Welcome to 'The Palace'
So what is this Chat thing called "The Palace" anyway? The short answer is: freedom! Palace is not like other chats where you have to pay or are limited by pre-fabricated avatars and backgrounds. It is not like 3D chats where you wonder around in big confusing empty spaces. The Palace gives you everything you can imagine, literally: It is not just a free chat world, it is your chat world. Any image on your computer can be used as a backgrond or wear it as an avatar. Build your own or visit the beatutiful fun filled worlds of others. Pimp your own Palace server or the Palace client software with fun sonds and scripts. Make your avatar tdo silly things or paint on a wall. The cool thing is Palaceplanet is here to help you explore this world and if you are ready for it, help ou build your own.
How to get on The Palace
The two routes you can take to visit the Palace: The Instant route: With Instant Plalace there is no software install and will work with a Java enabled browser. Available for Mac and Windows, limited in its features, but a good way to see what the Palace is about. Check out the Palace Planet Directory to search for Instant capable Palace chats. -
Vista registration code work around
Part of the problem with registration is the new security setup in Vista: Vista is set up in such a way it does not allow any programs to write to the system folder. Because Palace needs to write the registration info in this folder you will not be able to register until you fix the problem. -
Kids Online safety
Being online is a lot like being in a new city. There are wonderful places to go,things to see and do, and people to meet. You need to keep in mind that, just like any city, the web has places that are not safe or appropriate for kids to visit and people who are not as they would like you to believe. Learning as much as possible about online safety will help you have a fascinating, educational, fun and SAFE experience. Please keep these tips in mind as you visit Palace and explore the world wide web. -
Creating Avatars
This article was provided by The Doll Palace - creator of doll makers and fashion dress up games for girls. For more information about cartoon dolls, avatars and The Doll Palace, visit http://www.thedollpalace.com/ -
Rescueing Lost props
A guide to how props work and what you can do to rescues them, first published on the Finchnest Palace website by Dr. X. A few simple facts explained and the simple truth about props. This guide is a must read for anyone who loves his or her props and wants to enjoy them for as long as possible. -
Community Standarts: how to treat each other online
There are over a thousand Palaces open to the public at any given time and they are visited by a diverse population from around the world. When you enter a Palace, you become a member of this fascinating community. It's important to keep in mind that visitors come from all over the world and from many different cultures. They are all ages, and they speak many different languages. What is perfectly acceptable to you may not be at all acceptable to someone else.
HowTo: Setup a Palace server
Welcome to the Palace Building Quick Guide, in this guide we will explain a few simple basics techniques you need to know to get you started with Palace Building. The Palace Builders Guide is a general purpose guide for Palace Owners that just started out. If you are looking for a more technical and detailed information we recommend you check out the Palace Server manual when your finished with this one. Just click the Server button in the top menu. -
Where to put your Pictures and Sounds
When you have your background pictures ready on your computer and want to use them in your Palace Server you just need to move them to the right folder. The Palace server uses a different folder then your client uses so you need to make sure that any pictures or sounds yyou want to use are in this Palace Server media folder. Here is how: Open windows explorer, go find your pic, right click, and Copy. Now go to the directory below in windows explorer the default is: -
Room Menu Explained
When your Palace is running, login by using as your adress. This will get you straight into your own server. If all went well you have set a owner password, if not you can use the default pass word which is "owner". Now you can use the Wizards (actually its now called operator) Menu! Oo0o0 Exciting! Lets see what we can find in there. Now we are going to look at the Room Info... -
How to add scripts
Here are the basic steps for how to add a script to your Palace Server. First you need to know that you will run into some scripts that cant be put in while you are in palace. Those scripts are too big and either exceed the 16 pic limit per room or the 16k per room for scripting. They have to be installed through the pat file and we will cover that later. -
How to install a Prop generator script
This part explains how to add a proproom also known as a propgenerator script. If you have followed the door menu quick guide and the adding script quick guide. This part should be easy. Just follow the instructions, remember to double check the door ID number. -
Solved Palace Server DSL Media Download Problem !
I have spent close to 100 hours trying to solve the two serious issues directly related to Palace Server caused by my migration to a DSL connection, killing off many red herrings along the way----and finally did----solve them! -
HOWTO: Check your connection to server using "TRACERT"
Having trouble connecting to a Palace while everybody else can? You are sure your not banned or killed? Maybe there is something wrong with your connection to that Palace. -
HOW TO: Serve your media from a website
For all the people who run their Palace server from home, here are a couple of simple tips to make operation as smooth as possible. How to SERVE your Palace media from a website: If you run a home server you should consider putting your media files on a website.
Client Manual Index Page
The Palace client is your gateway to the Palace Chat universe. This is the client manul index page, if you are lost in one of the Palace pages you can always go back to this page and find the subject again. Or use the search feature of the website to find the right subject. -
Getting Started
This section describes how to get started using your Palace client, we will tell you how to get on to the Palace and change connections: -
Connecting to a Palace
There are a number of different ways to access Palace sites. This section explains the options available to you: * If you already have a Palace User Software client running * From your web browser * Returning to a recently-visited Palace * Using other online services -
How to Use the Palace
This section describes various features of the Palace and how to use them: * Avatars * Talking to people * Finding people * Playing sounds * Moving around * Props -
The Palace Client Interface
This section describes the general structure of the Palace User Interface: * Elements of the main window * The Menus * Hotkey combinations * The room drawing tools * The prop editor -
Advanced Features
This section describes advanced features you can use to enhance your Palace experience even further: * Standard user commands * Creating and maintaining your own room * Automating yourself with Iptscrae -
Palace Presents Viewer
What is PalacePresents? This Palace Plugin allows you to take part in large-scale networked events such as conferences, guided web tours, slideshows, live interviews, lectures and other "one-to-many" interactions. The PalacePresents software creates a multipurpose "stage" which is hosted on an existing Palace site. This stage appears in a separate window from the Palace software. The interesting thing about this stage is that once you're connected to it, you can always see it -- no matter what room you move to in the host Palace. The PalacePresents software consists of two Plugins: a Moderator Plugin (which is used by Palace operators to set up and moderate events), and a Viewer Plugin (which you use to participate in the event while it's "on the air"). The PalacePresents Viewer allows you to view all events transpiring on the stage, and to ask questions of the moderator and others on the stage. You can also keep a log of the event, and may even be invited onto the stage yourself! -
Palace Command Summary
The following table provides a list of all special commands (not counting Iptscrae commands and keywords): * Guest commands * Member commands * Operator commands * Owner commands
Palace Builders guide
INTRODUCTION This guide was written for first time palace owners with a section for new wizards. The Palace Builders Guide is a general purpose guide for Palace Owners that just started out. If you are looking for a more technical and detailed information we recommend you check out the Palace Server manual when your finished with this one. Just click the Server button in the top menu. -
Virtual Planning
Laying Out Your Palace Your palace starts off as an empty canvas (well... maybe not so empty if you begin with one of the templates). Ultimately it can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish. Anyone can put in rooms and link them together. To make your palace stand out, you need to structure it well. Think about: -
The Wizard University
The Wizard or 'operator' helps with the running of a palace. The wizard does not have full control of the palace and depending on the palace he or she is wizzing at, may or may not have scripting privelages. -
The Art of Noise
Adding Music and Sound Music and ambient sound can enhance the atmosphere in a room. But make sure you include the option to SWITCH IT OFF! Not everyone appreciates MIDI and people with slow modems may curse if you forced them to download large wav files. -
Palace Housekeeping
And now for something completely different... By now you should be neck deep in creative projects, scripting challenges and prop editing. Before you go any further and invest any hard work and time, there are a few chores that need doing regularly that most people don't notice until their palace crashes. -
Palace Premiere
The Palace Premiere After weeks and months of toil, you are finally ready to unveil your finest creation. You may decide to run your palace on a small and very private scale, or bite the bullet and use a 24/7 public server. -
The Unwritten Code of Conduct
unwritten until now... Even online you should take care to maintain a good honorable reputation (never mind that you kill people for a living in real life...) Bad reputations spread far and wide - the Gossip Times being the most efficient broadcast form and it can have a negative effect on your palace.
HOWTO: Quick reply options, features and tricks
The forum offers many features, here is some of the basics explained to make your posting more fun. -
HOWTO: Change link in Palace directory
Palaceplanet offers a simple directory, it is a simple process of registering with Palace Planet as a user, then add your link to the directory. Very basic but what if you want to change the link or add more info? -
HOWTO: Clickable link.
How can you make your Palace links active? Lets face it we really like it when people put a link in their post we can just CLICK it. Not copy paste it or anything. So here we go: ACTIVE LINKS!
[News] Submit a story or news
Got anything to share? Palace related or just a personal view? Submit it as a story! Simply follow this link: http://www.palaceplanet.net/submit_story/index.html...[News] Palace Planet Extreme Make-over
After almost nine years of helping the community with news, pictures, manuals and information Palace Planet has got a fulll Extreme Make-over. A new news and content Management system has been put in place of the forum based website. We still have the full forum available off course but....[News] Instant Palace Fix (V4)
Instant Palace the webbrowser version of the Palace Client has been updated by Heini and recently Drake made a new package with ...Latest Forum posts
Manuals and Guides
Log in
- Creating Avatars
- Palace Planet Extreme Make-over
- Warm Regards to a Dear Friend
- How to get on The Palace
- Palace Command Summary

Fine information, many thanks to the author. It is puzzling to me now, but in general, the usefulness and importance is overwhelming.

My heart and prayers go out to his family & loved ones!

My prayers and heart go out to his family!

amazing post my friensd and nice trick whit the sofware

i really like this post, and tanks for the advise is too important for me