Palace Planet Extreme Make-over

After almost nine years of helping the community with news, pictures, manuals and information Palace Planet has got a fulll Extreme Make-over. A new news and content Management system has been put in place of the forum based website. We still have the full forum available off course but.
With the new site is now becomes possible for more users to easily contribute to the community. Sign up and become a writer for the community: Submit your Palace news, info and announcements. For the even more adventourous there is the option to become an editor and edit all the older info such as the manuals, bringing them up to date with the latest and greatest developments.
The new system should also help us become even more visible on the search engines with fully optimised Seach Engine optimisations and keyword searches.
In English this means people will find this site quicker when searching for Palace or chat, but it also makes it much easier for users to search the entire site for into. Look on top of every page for the search box: just fill out the keywords you are looking for and press "Search".
Did we miss anything? Should we add another category or download? Please let us know! It is vital for everybody people submit errors and anything we forgot or did not know about it. Help us help everybody is our motto.
have fun
Palace Planet staff
It will take a few days to go through the site and make sure all links are working. Feel free to post any missing links or info on the forum.
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