Palace Builders
Palace Builders guide
This guide was written for first time palace owners with a section for new wizards. The Palace Builders Guide is a general purpose guide for Palace Owners that just started out. If you are looking for a more technical and detailed information we recommend you check out the Palace Server manual when your finished with this one. Just click the Server button in the top menu.
[Palace Builders] Virtual Planning
Laying Out Your Palace Your palace starts off as an empty canvas (well... maybe not so empty if you begin with one of the templates). Ultimately it can be as simple or as elaborate as you wish. Anyone can put in rooms and link them together. To make your palace stand out, you need to structure it well. Think about:...[Palace Builders] The Wizard University
The Wizard or 'operator' helps with the running of a palace. The wizard does not have full control of the palace and depending on the palace he or she is wizzing at, may or may not have scripting privelages....[Palace Builders] The Art of Noise
Adding Music and Sound Music and ambient sound can enhance the atmosphere in a room. But make sure you include the option to SWITCH IT OFF! Not everyone appreciates MIDI and people with slow modems may curse if you forced them to download large wav files. ...[Palace Builders] Palace Housekeeping
And now for something completely different... By now you should be neck deep in creative projects, scripting challenges and prop editing. Before you go any further and invest any hard work and time, there are a few chores that need doing regularly that most people don't notice until their palace crashes. ...[Palace Builders] Palace Premiere
The Palace Premiere After weeks and months of toil, you are finally ready to unveil your finest creation. You may decide to run your palace on a small and very private scale, or bite the bullet and use a 24/7 public server. ...[Palace Builders] The Unwritten Code of Conduct
unwritten until now... Even online you should take care to maintain a good honorable reputation (never mind that you kill people for a living in real life...) Bad reputations spread far and wide - the Gossip Times being the most efficient broadcast form and it can have a negative effect on your palace. ...
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Submit a story or news
Got anything to share? Palace related or just a personal view? Submit it as a story! Simply follow this link: -
Palace Planet Extreme Make-over
After almost nine years of helping the community with news, pictures, manuals and information Palace Planet has got a fulll Extreme Make-over. A new news and content Management system has been put in place of the forum based website. We still have the full forum available off course but. -
Instant Palace Fix (V4)
Instant Palace the webbrowser version of the Palace Client has been updated by Heini and recently Drake made a new package with -
New Server Plugin: Noesp
A new server plugin: Noesp. NoESP Is a Palace Server plugin that allows everyone to whisper, but will not allow ESP messages. Wizards & Gods may send ESP messages and users can respond to them via the `respond command.
Palace Manuals and Guides
Palace Client Guides and Manuals Manuals go into every detail of Palace operations. Guides just give you a quick overview of the basics. HowTo: Client -
Chat term explained
Lol, BTW i BRB! Confused? Or curious to know what else people use? Check out the Chat terms explained, globally used terms and Palace Chat specific abbreviations listed for your persuit of knowledge :)
Manuals and Guides