Palace Housekeeping

And now for something completely different... By now you should be neck deep in creative projects, scripting challenges and prop editing. Before you go any further and invest any hard work and time, there are a few chores that need doing regularly that most people don't notice until their palace crashes.
Prop maintenence
- Cycle through your props regularly
This reduces the amount of props lost after a prop purge or prop flush. Include rooms with all scripts utilizing props; for e.g: drink ordering scripts, setprop scripts - Regular prop flushing
An overly large prop file gets you in trouble with your server and can also get corrupted thereby making you crash. Don't jus prop purge, make sure you prop flush as well. Keep an eye on the size of your pserver.prp file. You will find it in the ...palacepsdata directory
Check the log regularly
You may choose to delete old logs. If you are on a private server, you may have to regularly switch logs otherwise your log file will become very big. Commercial servers do this for you automatically on a daily or weekly basis. But this soon starts taking up space in your precious server so you are best deleting old logs periodically.
The Importance of Being Paranoid
Make sure you back up your *.pat file regularly. The more intensely you work on your palace, the more backups you should make. The *.pat file is the nucleus and engine of your palace. Lose it and lose all your hard work!
Other important files to backup are the pserver.prp and the Pserver.prefs file.
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