Welcome to 'The Palace'

So what is this Chat thing called "The Palace" anyway? The short answer is: freedom! Palace is not like other chats where you have to pay or are limited by pre-fabricated avatars and backgrounds. It is not like 3D chats where you wonder around in big confusing empty spaces. The Palace gives you everything you can imagine, literally: It is not just a free chat world, it is your chat world. Any image on your computer can be used as a backgrond or wear it as an avatar. Build your own or visit the beatutiful fun filled worlds of others. Pimp your own Palace server or the Palace client software with fun sonds and scripts. Make your avatar tdo silly things or paint on a wall. The cool thing is Palaceplanet is here to help you explore this world and if you are ready for it, help ou build your own.
So what do I need to get funky crazy?
The Palace is a two sets of software:
First The Palace Client, the program used to enter oter Palace Servers. You need to download this from the downloads section and install it.
And secondly: The Palace Servers software, a simple to use programs that can run from home computers or professional Linux servers. With the Palace Server and the client anyone can build their own world and make it as creative, beautiful or crazy as they like
Chat the way you like it!
Witht he Palace you don't just get a regular text chat, you get a full multi media experience! Offcourse you get must have tools like a log window to re-read anything you say, but Palace also comes with very cute chat bubbles, funky scripts, fun sounds and a huge collection of avatars.But the big bonus is you can expand all this with your own avatars, sounds, scripts and even build an entire chat world for yourself and friends.
Here is a short overview of what is possible:
Avatars, popularly known as Props are one of the main attractions for newcomers. Dress in your favorite moviestar, doll or use any picture you can find to visualise yourself. Many Palace owners have build "proprooms" to store they're favorite creations. With thousands and thousands of props available newcomer can go "propshopping" for days to find just that perfect "prop". The Palace Client cmes with a prop bad you can fill with as many goodies as you like. You can even save your favorites to shortcut keys to pop on that perfect dress for the right moment.
Sound: wav, midi and offcourse mp3'sare all used in Palace. You can script them on specific actions or just open the sound play menu and click on whatever sound you think is appropriate. It is evn possible to let sounds play automatically on keywords or any action you desire.
Scripts: It sounds scary, but we have made it easy for you. No programming required to use an endless collection of cool scripts. For your Palace Client to make you do crazy things or for your Palace Server. Almost anything you can think off is possible, any action, sound, avatar and background is scriptable.
Painting: Add to this painting and the party is complete, just paint in any room with any color you like.
Props, painting, scripting and sound combined with the users imagination makes the Palace the most fun you can have on the net.
One of the best things about the Palace is that it is an open system, if you download the Palace Server, you can even build and customize your own personal Palace site to host other people. A Private Palace user version is available for free on the Palace website (downloads.palaceplanet.net). You can run this from your home computer and invite your friends. (check the Server guide and manuals for details on how to setup a server). The Palace User client not only functions as a front-end to browse the Palace community, but also does double-duty as a full-fledged authoring tool. By going into "wizard-mode" you will have powefull Palace tools and the Iptscrae scripting language available. With this you can create your own virtual world and share it with others.
The system also ensures that all Palace sites can be interlinked. Not just by the Palace Directory, but also by linking to any Palace of your choice. Or even link to your servers website, very handy if you want people to download pictures and sounds before entering. Naturally you can link from any website to your Palace server IF you have a permanent adress, this can be done by either having your Palace hosted, with a permanent IP through DSL or one of the dynamic IP redirect services available on the net.
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