How to get on The Palace

The two routes you can take to visit the Palace: The Instant route: With Instant Plalace there is no software install and will work with a Java enabled browser. Available for Mac and Windows, limited in its features, but a good way to see what the Palace is about. Check out the Palace Planet Directory to search for Instant capable Palace chats.
The Client route:
You need to download and install the Palace Client suitable for your operating system. The Palace Client is available for Mac OsX , Mac Os9 and Windows.
Step 1: Download Palace Software:
Choose your Operating System suitable files and download them to your desktop so they are easy to find.
Windows 3.6 Palace Client
Macintosh OsXPalace Client
Macintosh Os9 Palace Client
Step 2: Install Instructions
When finished downloading double click the thepalace.msi file and the install wizard will open. Follow along with the wizard and your program will be installed. The defaults are the best way to install, so you don't need to change anything unless you know exactly what you are doing.
After you have installed the Palace client from Palace Planet for the first time your ready for the PC Palace Client Manual. This Palace Planet Manual will guide you step by step through all the possibilites and features in the Palace Client.
Mac users click the link to learn how to use The Os9 Palace Client: "The Xmission Macintosh Palace Client Install, Tweaks & Survival Guide" For OsX client specific info please check out Pawns website.
Still got questions?:
Any problems, you can always use the Palace Planet FORUM to ask for help. Or read the FAQ
Step 3: Registration
Registration for Windows users is very simple: Just get a FREE User registration code.This will open your browser and send you to the registration site automatically. Mac users can just go to the registration site by following this URL: Fill in the details and your code will be sent to you within a day. Please do NOT accept any codes from others they are probably using reg code generators wich have the nasty habit of making duplicate codes.
The Palace can't handle duplicates, so if anyone would enter the palace using an identical code you would end up kicking each other off.
Step 4: Getting the most out of your Palace experience
Even though the Palace looks simple, there are a lot of hidden treasures, if you're ready to dig for them. All you need to do is jump straight into the Palace Planet Manuals and Guides. Learn how to make an avatar (also known as doll or prop) find out what scripts can do and build your own Palace world! Anyone can do it, including you. And of course learn how to "defend" yourself from Palace pests :)
Step 5: Have FUN!
This one is easy: the Palace is there to be fun for all, try to have as much fun as is socially acceptable :P
Palace Planet:
So what is Palace Planet all about? This site is run by volunteers who try to help the Palace Community as much as possible. Becoming a member has a lot of added advantages. Not only does it show your support for this site, but you can wear a custom avatar in the forums and it allows you to post comments, articles, links, downloads, ask quesitons in the forum. Post events and make FULL use off this websites capabilities.
Palace Planet is non-commercial, not affiliated or sponsored by anyone and is only here to help the community and anyone who wants to promote or build anything Palace. We have been around since june 2000 and plan to be around for a very as long as people use this site.
Have fun and welcome to The Palace.
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