Palace Chat Termonology
Term | Definition |
AFK | Away from Keyboard |
AOL | Originally, America On Line, but due to the questionable intelligence of those who use AOL, it has almost universally come to represent Asshole On Line. |
asl | age/sex/location (mating cry of the sk8r) |
Avatar (avs) | Avatars are what you wear to represent yourself on palace. They range from the simple 'guest' green ball smileys to carefully edited photographs of celebrities. Most commonly refered to as 'Avs'. |
BBL | Be Back Later |
BRB | Be Right Back |
BTDT | Been There, Done That |
BTW | By The Way |
cybersex | The sound of one handed typing. |
cyborg | There are two types of scripts which allow you to interact with your palace environment. First is the server script which contains scripts for each room and which is unique to each palace. Second is the 'cyborg' or 'borg' script which is unique to each user or client. Cyborg scripts include automatic greeting scripts, kissing scripts, and other snazzy paint scripts. Both scripts use iptscrae - The Palace's basic programming language... |
Edit | To create or change props or avatars. |
EFG | evil funky grin |
EWG | Evil Wicked Grin |
FC | Reference to where all the filth and dirt of was laid out in plain site. A running diatribe of bitterness! |
FFLK | An affliction that strikes users who have to type on laptops. Fat Fingers, Little Keyboard. |
FWIW | For What It's Worth |
FYI | For Your Information |
g | 'grin' - usually in brackets or angles or [g] |
God | The owner(s) or trusted friends of the owner who have complete and utter control over the Palace Environment. |
Greenie | Used to refer to a new or non-registered user of palace, in the early years, it was considered derogatory towards those to cheap to get a reg code. |
IMHO | In My Humble Opinion |
IMNSHO | In my not so humble opinion |
INAL | I'm Not A Lawyer |
IOW | In Other Words |
iptscrae | this is the programming language of the palace. it is used for cyborgs and room scripts. |
Jbum | Jim Bumgardner, the revered and beloved inventor of Palace, who was smart enough to sell it and get out before .coms went to hell in a handbasket |
JFYI | Just For Your Information |
KISS | Keep it simple, stupid.... |
LMAO | Laughing My Ass Off |
Laughing Out Loud |
LTNS | long time no see |
maart | A fookin Dootchy who claims to be Scootish. One of the best resources and dedicated promoter of Palace. |
Main | A reference to the original Palace 'Mansion' at |
NBD | No Big Deal |
newbie | People new to palace and the kind of person that might be reading this list. |
OIC | Oh, I See |
OMG | OH MY GOD!!! |
OTL | Out To Lunch |
OTOH | On The Other Hand |
Paint | The ability to 'paint' colored lines over the graphics in palace rooms IF painting is turned on in that room. Note: Painting can casue large amounts of lag and is usually OFF by default. |
Palace Planet | Palace Portal filled with all available Palace resources. |
PITA | Pain In The Ass |
ppl | people |
prolly | short form for 'probably' |
Prop | A 44 x 44 pixel square of graphic representation used in Palace. 9 props are the maximum you can wear as an 'Avatar' |
PTB | Powers That Be |
RL | Real Life. This refers to the oftimes intrusive offline existence we all lead when the computer is switched off. |
ROFL | Rolling On Floor Laughing |
ROTF | Rolling On The Floor |
ROTFL | Rolling On The Floor Laughing |
RTFM | Read The Funky Manual |
Script | Individual Scripts make up the Cyborg (see cyborg). Scripts manipulate the palace environment with movement, prop placement or painting. |
skaters (sk8ters) | Skaters are a unique type of avatar that is popular mainly with teenagers. Available in male or female, the skater is highly customizable in terms of hairstyle, clothes and shoes. Dollz are similar to skaters. |
SNAFU | Situation Normal, All "fixed" Up |
SSDD | Same Shit, Different Day |
STFU | Shut the Fuck Up! |
Sysop | 'Systems Operator': person who manages a Forum |
TIC | Tongue In Cheek |
TTYL | Talk To You Later |
Typo |
A strange undefined language that most computer users soon become fluent in. If u cn reed thsi, u r spekign typo! |
Wizard | A user with greater control over the Palace environment, who at the behest of the Gods of that Palace may discipline users who do not follow rules and/or help in the creation of that Palace |
WTF | What the Fuck? Alternatively, Who, How, Why or When the Fuck. Example WTF are you sitting on me? |
WTH | What The Hell |
WUWD | American Ghetto Slang: What Up Wit Dat??? Transalates to What's Up With That? |
WYSIWYG | What you see is what you get |
YMMV | Your Mileage May Vary |
Zombie Woof | The Dread Pirate Zombie Woof, nefarious cyber pirate and all around evil bastard has been blamed for the downfall of and just about everything else bad that happens in Cyberspace. Approach with caution. |
Manuals and Guides
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Palace Manuals and Guides
Palace Client Guides and Manuals
Manuals go into every detail of Palace operations. Guides just give you a quick overview of the basics.
HowTo: Client ...
Iptscrae Language Reference
This section is a reference to the Iptscrae language:
* Data types
* Event handlers
* Commands and functions
* Operators
Iptscrae possesses over 100 specialized commands and keywords, as well as its own versions of many commonly-used operators and functions; each of these represents a wide range of interactive possibilities awaiting your imagination.
Quick Reference
The following table is a brief summary of the Iptscrae commands and their meanings. ...
Adding Machine Exercise
The following exercise provides a step-by-step look at the creation of a script called "Adding Machine," which performs addition problems. With this script in place, whenever you type in something like "673 plus 897" your avatar will say "673 plus 897 equals 1570", and at last your parents will see the point behind all that tuition ...
Code Limitations
This section describes the current Iptscrae implementation limits. No matter how cleverly you assign variable names and swap graphic elements, there are some data handling boundaries hard-coded into the software. In general, The Palace Viewer version of Iptscrae is limited only by the memory available in the browser, so these limits only apply to The Palace User Software clients for Windows and Macintosh. Note that client and server limites may override those noted below. ...
Iptscrae Index
Alphabetical Index Page of the Iptscrae manual...
Operators and Owners
Like most text-based chat systems and Internet MUDs (Multi-User Dimensions), The Palace software allows you to assign special powers to a select group of trusted users, making them "virtual authority figures" on your site. In Palace parlance, these individuals are known as operators and owners.
This chapter has the following sections:
* The Palace user hierarchy
* Palace operators
* Palace owners
* Personal styles
The Operator's Interface
This section describes the advanced authoring features accessible by operators and owners via the Palace User Software interface:
* Becoming an operator
* Becoming an owner
* Using the Operator menu
* The Windows operator avatar pop-up menu
Operator and Owner Commands
The following section describes the syntax and function of all special commands available in operator mode:
* Operator commands
* Owner commands
* The 'page command revisited
Being a Responsible Operator
This section contains a number of guidelines and discussions intended to help you "grow" your site and maintain a positive and effective reputation as a operator. Some of these guidelines suggest general attitudes and actions to be performed on a continual basis, while others are intended to help you recognize and deal with disruptive or abusive users, in specific circumstances.
* Overview
* Roles and responsibilities
* Security functions
* Authoring
Palace Design Tips & Techniques
This section describes various means of adding advanced functionality to your Palace site, and includes an examination of the limitations faced by Palace designers.
* Using a new template
* Authoring with The Palace Authoring Tool
* Linking Palace sites and web sites
* Palace limitations and workarounds
Adding A Server Monitor To A Web Page
Palace Server version 4.3.2, which shipped for Unix, Linux, and Windows NT platforms, shipped with a Server Monitor as part of the InstantPalace files. This small java applet should be run from a web server that is on the same machine as your Palace Server. The Server Monitor (also called PalaceServer Resource Center) has a red and green light that shows whether your server is running. It also displays how many people are on your server, the server version, and the server capacity. ...
Palace Command Summary
The following table provides a list of all special commands (not counting Iptscrae commands and keywords): ...