Operator Commands | Syntax | Description |
autoannounce |
'autoannounce message |
Sets the server greeting to message |
banip |
'banip [minutes] ipAddress |
Bans one or more IP addresses for minutes. May use wildcards (i.e.: 12.24.23.*). |
banlist |
'banlist [-k] [-a] [name|ipAddress] |
Shows banned users in log window |
banuser |
'banuser [minutes] name |
Bans user name for minutes |
bots |
'bots on 'bots off |
Turn user scripts on server-wide Turn user scripts off server-wide |
comment |
'comment ipAddress message |
Adds a comment to a banlist |
death |
'death minutes |
Set default death penalty to minutes |
delete |
'delete [roomid] |
Deletes either the current room (if used without an argument) or the room associated with the specified roomid. |
duplicate |
'duplicate |
Duplicates the current room |
er |
'er |
Moves you to the room of the last (non-operator) page |
extend |
'extend string minutes |
Extends the death penalty on a ban record |
flood |
'flood number |
Kill flooders after number events per second |
flushprops |
'flushprops n |
Clears old props older than n days and compresses the prop file. |
gag |
'gag name |
Gags user name |
glist |
'glist [-k|-o| -p| -wl] [name] |
Lists information on all users, or the named user
- -k Show the users's reg key hash
- -o Show the users' software originiation code and machine type
- -p Show the users' PUID hash
- -w List only operators
kill |
'kill [minutes] name |
Kills (disconnects) user name for minutes |
list |
'list [-k|-o| -p| -w] [name|ipAddress] |
Lists information on specific user matching name or IP address
- -k Show the users's reg key hash
- -o Show the users' software originiation code and machine type
- -p Show the users' PUID hash
- -w List only operators
operatorcount |
'operatorcount |
Displays the number of operators currently logged in. |
paint |
'paint on 'paint off |
Turns painting on server-wide Turns painting off server-wide |
pin |
'pin name |
Pins user name |
poundprotect |
'poundprotect on|off |
Enables/disables pound protection. This logs the IP address of a user who repeatedly makes new connections in a short time interval.) |
poundcheckinterval |
'poundcheckinterval n |
Sets the pound check interval to n seconds. |
propgag |
'propgag name |
Propgags member name |
purgebanlist |
'purgebanlist |
Purges elapsed ban records |
purgeprops |
'purgeprops number |
Purges all props older than number days |
repage |
'repage message |
Sends message to the last (non-operator) page |
roommaxguests |
'roommaxguests number |
Sets the max guest occupancy for the current room |
roommaxocc |
'roommaxocc number |
Sets the max occupancy for the current room |
savesessionkeys |
'savesessionkeys on 'savesessionkeys off |
Enables/disables saving sessions keys (that is, logs users' ID and reg code to the server log). |
track |
'track [minutes] name |
Tracks all sign-ons from user name for minutes |
trackip |
'trackip [minutes] ipAddress |
Tracks all sign-ons from ipAddress. May use wildcards (i.e.: 12.24.23.*). |
unban |
'unban name 'unban ipAddress |
Unbans user name Unbans user from ipAddress |
ungag |
'ungag name |
Ungags user name |
unpin |
'unpin name |
Unpins user name |
unpropgag |
'unpropgag name |
Unpropgags member name |
untrack |
'untrack name 'untrack ipAddress |
Stops tracking user name Stops tracking user from ipAddress |
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