Owner Commands | Syntax | Description |
allowedurls |
'allowedurls on 'allowedurls off 'allowedurls "URL" |
Enables the allowed URLs string. Enables the allowed URLs string Sets the allowed URLs string or strings (separated by a pipe (|)). |
authoring |
'authoring on 'authoring off |
Allows operators to enter Authoring Mode Prevents operators from entering Authoring Mode |
avatarurl |
'avatarurl on 'avatarurl off 'avatarurl "URL" |
Sets custom avatars on. Turns custom avatars off. Sets the avatar directory to the designated URL. |
ban |
'ban name |
Permanently banishes name from the server |
botkill |
'botkill on 'botkill off |
Allows cyborg scripts to kill Prevents cyborg scripts from killing |
chatlog |
'chatlog on 'chatlog off [filename] |
Enables chat logging on the server Disables chat logging on the server |
custom |
'custom on 'custom off |
Enables custom props on the server Disables custom props on the server |
defaultroomocc |
'defaultroomocc number |
Sets the default room occupancy |
downlist |
'downlist number |
Moves the current room number positions down in the script file |
dropzone |
'dropzone |
Makes the current room a dropzone (front gate) |
entrypage |
'entrypage ["URL"] |
Sets the Palace's default entrypage URL for the Palace Directory. If keyword FORCETPVWEBPAGE is set, it's also the entry page for web clients coming in from a non-authorized URL (TPVALLOWEDURLS keyword). |
fileserver |
'fileserver ["URL"] |
Sets the location of your media for web-based users. |
flushprops |
'flushprops n |
Clears old props older than n days and compresses the prop file. |
guests |
'guests on 'guests off |
Enables guest access to the server Prevents guest access to the server |
killprop |
'killprop |
Removes the prop you are wearing from the server prop file. |
maxocc |
'maxocc number |
Sets the maximum server occupancy |
memberrooms |
'memberrooms on 'memberrooms off |
Allows members to create member rooms Prohibits creation of member rooms |
nowhisper |
'nowhisper on 'nowhisper off |
Disables whispering Enables whispering |
'operators on 'operators off |
Enables support for operators Disables support for operators |
operatorskill |
'operatorskill on 'operatorskill off |
Allows operators to kill Prohibits killing by operators |
operatorsonly |
'operatorsonly on `operatorsonly off |
Sets the current room as operator only Removes operator-only setting |
operatorpass |
'operatorpass password |
Sets the operator password to password |
ownerpass |
'ownerpass password |
Sets the owner password to password |
passwordsecurity |
'passwordsecurity |
Enables password security (auto-kills after three failed password attempts) |
picdir |
'picdir path |
Sets the source directory for outbound files to path |
pinprop |
'pinprop 'pinprop on 'pinprop off |
Sets the pin prop to the prop you are wearing Turns pin propping on Turns pin propping off |
playerkill |
'playerkill on 'playerkill off |
Allows members to kill Prohibits killing by members |
poundprotect |
'poundprotect on|off |
Enables/disables pound protection. This logs the IP address of a user who repeatedly makes new connections in a short time interval.) |
poundcheckinterval |
'poundcheckinterval n |
Sets the pound check interval to n seconds. |
propcontrol |
'propcontrol on 'propcontrol off 'propcontrol userlevel |
Turns on prop control (only owners can introduce new props) Turns off prop control Lets only userlevel users introduce new props |
purgelimit |
'purge number 'purgelimit number |
Sets the purge limit to number days Same as `purge number |
recycle |
'recycle [number] |
Causes guest ID numbers to recycle at number |
reportprefs |
'reportprefs |
Lists the current Palace preferences. |
reset |
'reset |
Recomputes all rooms' occupancy count. |
revision |
'revision |
Displays the Palace server version number. |
roomsfile |
'roomsfile 'roomsfile .patfilename |
Shows current file setting Causes your Palace to use the template asociated with the named configuration file. This changes the look and feel of your Palace. |
savesessionkeys |
'savesessionkeys on 'savesessionkeys off |
Enables/disables saving sessions keys (that is, logs users' ID and reg code to the server log). |
securejavaaccess |
'securejavaaccess on 'securejavaaccess off |
If this is on, additional authorization is required for web-based users. |
securelogoff |
'securelogoff on|off |
If this is on, the authentication engine tracks logoffs |
securesite |
'securesite on|off |
If this is on, a name and password are required to access this Palace server. |
security |
'security authhost:[authport] [retrys]|off |
Sets the security (authentication) daemon.
setrank |
'setrank command setting |
Sets the rank of the command to the specified setting. |
servername |
'servername string |
Sets the servername to string |
showranks |
'showranks |
Displays each Palace command and its current rank. Modifications via 'setrank are shown in paranthesis. |
shutdown |
'shutdown |
Shuts down the server |
spoof |
'spoof on 'spoof off |
Allows members to spoof using @x,y commands Prohibits spoofing |
uplist |
'uplist number |
Moves the current room number positions up in the script file |
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