Palace Design Tips & Techniques
This section describes various means of adding advanced functionality to your Palace site, and includes an examination of the limitations faced by Palace designers.
* Using a new template
* Authoring with The Palace Authoring Tool
* Linking Palace sites and web sites
* Palace limitations and workarounds
[Server Manual] Adding A Server Monitor To A Web Page
Palace Server version 4.3.2, which shipped for Unix, Linux, and Windows NT platforms, shipped with a Server Monitor as part of the InstantPalace files. This small java applet should be run from a web server that is on the same machine as your Palace Server. The Server Monitor (also called PalaceServer Resource Center) has a red and green light that shows whether your server is running. It also displays how many people are on your server, the server version, and the server capacity. ...[Wizard Manual] Palace Command Summary
The following table provides a list of all special commands (not counting Iptscrae commands and keywords): ...[Wizard Manual] Operator Owner Manual Index
The Palace Wizard and Owners manual alphabetical index page...[Server Manual] Getting started
Getting Started with your Palace Server, in this section describes everything you need to know in order to get your Palace Server up and running: ...[Server Manual] Administering Your Palace Server
As the owner of your Palace, you need to periodically maintain the actual Palace files on your machine. One file in particular that will grow noticeably in size over time is the file that contains your props (the pserver.prp file). This file stores the binary data associated with all props used in your Palace site by all members. This file can become quite large if your site becomes popular; it's not uncommon to hear of 10- or 15-MB propfiles....[Server Manual] The Palace Control Panel Interface
Your Palace has a simple graphical interface. This control panel appears on your screen when you launch your Palace. ...[Server Manual] Quick Reference
This section is a quick reference to common Palace tasks, and how to do them: ...[Server Manual] Palace Command Summary
The following table provides a list of all special commands (not counting Iptscrae commands and keywords): ...[Client Manual] Getting Started
This section describes how to get started using your Palace client, we will tell you how to get on to the Palace and change connections: ...[Server Manual] Palace Server Index
Index off all topics covered in the Palace Server manual...[HowTo: Client guide] How to get on The Palace
The two routes you can take to visit the Palace: The Instant route: With Instant Plalace there is no software install and will work with a Java enabled browser. Available for Mac and Windows, limited in its features, but a good way to see what the Palace is about. Check out the Palace Planet Directory to search for Instant capable Palace chats. ...[HowTo: Client guide] Creating Avatars
This article was provided by The Doll Palace - creator of doll makers and fashion dress up games for girls. For more information about cartoon dolls, avatars and The Doll Palace, visit ...Author info