Palace Madness (and other psychotic states)

The wonderful world of Palace Chat opens up a whole area of human behaviour that is just not available in real life. You can be whoever you want to be, dress in whatever clothing you like and explore any fantasy character you care to create. In real life, this luxury is normally confined to the mentally insane and professional actors; both of whom have a thin grasp of reality. Though of course, acting pays more. This liberation from your body, background, gender and even species is extremely good fun and liberating. It allows you to cast off responsibility. It allows you to be beautiful, free, single, or the CEO of a Multi-National organisation. But it is so addictive that it is very easy to develop Palace Madness, of which, I confess dear reader, I was a victim.
Palace Madness occurs when the unreality of Palace begins to leak uncontrollably into your normal every day life. The first symptoms of my illness were when I went round an entire nightclub, checking the name tags of the bouncers to see if any of them were wearing a Wiz star, so that I could complain about the room being too bright and the fact that the Bots at the bar didn't work.
This, in itself was not too much of a problem. I hadn't yet realised that this was the beginning of Palace Madness. It was only when I started to look through my wardrobe, frantically looking for the prop bag button, that I knew something was wrong.
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