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Welcome to PalacePlanet

The Palace is the free graphical chat where you can create and wear all your favorite pictures as avatars. But you don't have to be a guest you can also build your own virtual Palace world! Palace Planet is here to help you how to do all this and more.

Want to chat? Check out the Newcomers Getting Started Guide with tips on how to start chatting on the Palace!

Want to build your own chat? No problem, download the Palace Server software and follow the Palace Builders guide this great guide comes with a easy to use Basic Palace Building quick guide.

Need more information? For more detailed help you can ask your questions in the User Questions Forum. Most common questions have been answered there already so please use SEARCH to see if your question has been answered before. And check out our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) or look around in our extended Palace Manuals where we cover almost everything Palace.

And don't forget to submit your favorite Links, News, Roomart and Palace Events

Come be a part of our community!

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goto Post RE: Cant Connect to Palace (1)  (49)  by maarten  
goto Post Toplist abused for spamming (0)  (35)  by maarten  
goto Post RE: help please- how can i get my prop w... (2)  (82)  by sarah784  
goto Post Make sure your email is correct: New use... (0)  (59)  by maarten  
goto Post RE: Packet Fragment help (1)  (111)  by maarten  
goto Post newroom help (3)  (152)  by maarten  
goto Post Associated Pictures in room (0)  (106)  by fallenangel013  
goto Post RE: I (1)  (265)  by Ariadne  
goto Post RE: Palace Server HELP. (3)  (224)  by maarten  
goto Post Summer Carnival Nears End at Hope (0)  (129)  by Scarlett  
goto Post Weird problem :[ (4)  (333)  by dvadushni  
goto Post Free month of palace hosting - Limited O... (0)  (297)  by dizzy_kimmi  

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  What's the Buzz about Hive7?
Up until now, nothing compared to Palace. It felt like home to me but after 8 years i've found myself getting bored so I've been looking around at other graphic chats for awhile(gasp!) and Myst told me about Hive7.

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  Links AND Wallpaper, it can't get any better then this!
Palace Art  

You know you want it and we got it! The first Palace Planet wallpaper, check out the Wallpaper of course you can ADD your own.
How? make sure you are registered and logged in, go to the WallPaper gallery main page: Wallpaper Gallery and click on the Album Actions menu on top of the gallery. there you can select Add Photos!

Create your Own Palace related wallpaper and put it up in our gallery so people can start using it. Of course you can put your name in it and url, just remember this is a public site, yes that is with the L in it!

Have you linked to Palace Planet yet?

If not, fear no longer we have the best solution for you! Check out the Gallery for some cool link pictures. Here are some examples to inspire you (well I hope so anyway)

 Note: please support palaceplanet and add a link, read the whole story for more info on how.
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  The Palace 3.6 Client updated

The Palace Client

Here is a quick update for anyone interested in the Palace 3.6 Client. We have updated a few cosmetic things. A new SplashScreen more in tune with the website and newly checked bookmarks. Most of the changes are only useful for newcomers and current Palace Client users should just stick to their working install, this client will not give you any new features. If you just want to use the updated client just download the .exe only.

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  Needs New Members!
Hi.Im just a Small person who is CRAZZEE about this harry potter RP palace.the adress is port 9999
We need more PEOPLE!
thank you
if you go,
in gryf
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  Palace MANUALS available for your viewing pleasure

For anyone who needs to do some manual labour (badabing) the Palace MANUALS have been updated and improved. They are now seperate from the main site for faster viewing and loading, you can check them out by clicking on the MANUALS button top right. NEW: Wizards and Owners manual now available in interactive HTML! :)

 Note: Like everything on this site: its a work in progress and we need your help making it better. If you have any: please leave your feedback in the forum.
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  Palace News: Palace Planet TOP LIST is back!
Hey folks,

Back by popular demand! (some guy named popular came on my palace the other day and said "hey whats about that top list dude, that thing was far out")

So right, you wanna have a nice button on your site that says VOTE and be listed in a funky toplist right? Well here is how:

Check out the cool top list! Login/sign up if your not a member yet then Click on TOP LIST!


Now you can add your Palace website link! Here is how:

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  Palace News: Jbum interview by SuperScoop
News Detective  
Jbum Interview by SuperScoopJim Bumgardner

Q. Many people on Palace have heard of you, but for those who don't know....What was your actual role in the creation and development of
Palace? Could you give us an insight into your background and how you became involved? Also, what was the inspiration behind it?

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  What is Palace Chat?
Welcome to the Palace - a vast online community of graphical chat sites with interactive content. With the Palace user software as your gateway, the variety of Palace destinations you can explore is limitless. You can visit a diverse range of communities, many are personal sites where you simply can go to chat and socialize with friends and family. Some are designed with a specific goal in mind such as business, training, and learning resources; entertainment and gaming centers or gathering points for special interest groups; With the Palace Server, you can even build and customize your own personal Palace site to host other people.
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