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What is Palace Chat? 
Posted by: maarten on Thursday, August 02, 2001 - 01:27 PM
Welcome to the Palace - a vast online community of graphical chat sites with interactive content. With the Palace user software as your gateway, the variety of Palace destinations you can explore is limitless. You can visit a diverse range of communities, many are personal sites where you simply can go to chat and socialize with friends and family. Some are designed with a specific goal in mind such as business, training, and learning resources; entertainment and gaming centers or gathering points for special interest groups; With the Palace Server, you can even build and customize your own personal Palace site to host other people.
One of the best things about the Palace is that it is an open system, letting you create and control much of your site's content. The Palace User Software client not only functions as a front-end to browse the Palace community, but also does double-duty as a authoring tool. By using the built-in "operator mode", available Palace tools, and the Iptscrae scripting language, you can create your own virtual world and share it with others. The system also ensures that all Palace sites can be interlinked. This means that you can build new rooms and sites, connect them to other Palace sites using simple scripts. Or create links between Palace sites and web pages, making it all that much easier for people to find you! The Interlinks Palace is a great example, it has links to almost all Palaces in PalaceSpace

Interlinks Palace <FONT size=2>(you must have the palace client installed for this link)

The Palace community is a client/server system, with Palace sites running on individual computers, local area networks, and the Internet. You enter a Palace site through your Palace client, which is designed to communicate with any Palace server running on another (or even the same) computer. This is similar to the way your web browser interfaces with "webservers" while surfing the Internet.

The Palace allows users to communicate effortlessly over various types of networks. You can run your Palace software on either a TCP/IP-based LAN or on the Internet via a SLIP or PPP connection. Palace sites running on Local Area Networks hooked to the Internet will allow interaction between people on the LAN and folks coming in via the Internet

For more info and the Palace FAQ'S please check out the Palace Planet FAQ'S section

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