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Being online is a lot like being in a new city. There are wonderful places to go,things to see and do, and people to meet. You need to keep in mind that, just like any city, the web has places that are not safe or appropriate for kids to visit and people who are not as they would like you to believe. Learning as much as possible about online safety will help you have a fascinating, educational, fun and SAFE experience. Please keep these tips in mind as you visit Palace and explore the world wide web.

If you're uncomfortable at any time, disconnect!

Hit the back button on your browser, go to a different Palace or leave the chat room.

Don't give out your real name, your address, your phone number or anything else that is personal. The person you're talking to may not be what they appear to be.

Don't share pictures of yourself, your family or your home without your parents permission.

Never respond to chat messages or e-mail that is mean or makes you uncomfortable. Responding only encourages the person.

Never say anything online that you wouldn't say in public. It IS public!! Remember that nothing you type on the web is completely private - - even e-mail.

Never give out any of your passwords to anyone but adult members of your own family. Your Internet provider will never ask for them, neither should anyone else! It's a good idea to change your passwords frequently.

NEVER EVER make plans to meet with someone that you've met online in real life without your parents permission. This is the biggest danger you'll face on the Internet.

The best thing to do is have your parents speak with the other person's parents and make arrangements to meet in a public place. Be sure to take your parents along on the first visit.

To avoid misunderstandings, learn to use "emoticons" and acronyms when you chat or write e-mail.

At times people can't tell if you're kidding, being mean, or really upset when all the have to go on is your words. Adding these little extras can avoid hurt feelings and fighting online.

Never type in all capital letters. In e-mail and chat programs it is considered shouting and can easily start arguments with others.

Remember that what you say and do online can also jeopardize your family's privacy. Be very careful about giving out personal family information or filling out forms on the web. Check with your parents first!

So far the tips have been to protect YOU. Please don't forget that it is wrong and ILLEGAL to threaten, or harass other people in person, by mail or online. Don't get into trouble by engaging in this sort of behavior yourself.

Get your parents involved. Even if they've used the Internet, you're bound to know things about it that they don't. Show them your favorite places on the net and what you do online. It can help them get more out of their online time. If they're involved from the start, they'll be their for you if you run into trouble.

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Talk with your kids about what they can and cannot do on the net. Try to be reasonable and keep in mind their age, needs, interests and curiosity.
Learn everything you can about the Internet. Ask them to show you their favorite sites, chat rooms and Palaces. Use the net together to plan family outings such as trips to the movies and vacations. Give them a chance to be the teacher.
Be open with your kids and try not to blame them when they run into online trouble. How you respond will be the deciding factor in whether they come to you with future problems and will teach them how to deal with things on their own as they grow older.

Research blocking and filtering software before you install it. The programs all work in different ways.

Some of the software blocks sites that are known to be inappropriate for children. Some keep users from entering certain types of information such as names and addresses. Some restrict the use of e-mail. They can all usually be set up with options that you decide are important to your family.

Be aware that NO program can block all things you may find dangerous or objectionable. Be aware also that some of these programs block sites that ARE appropriate.

Base your decision on the age of your child and your own family values. If you decide to filter please rethink your choice occasionally and make sure it is working FOR your family and not AGAINST it.


Enjoy the time you spend with your kids online. It holds the opportunity for a vast amount of fun and learning. And that's a great combination!

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