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Palace MANUALS available for your viewing pleasure 
Posted by: maarten on Wednesday, April 12, 2006 - 03:24 AM

For anyone who needs to do some manual labour (badabing) the Palace MANUALS have been updated and improved. They are now seperate from the main site for faster viewing and loading, you can check them out by clicking on the MANUALS button top right. NEW: Wizards and Owners manual now available in interactive HTML! :)

How to use your Palace program Palace Client Manual

Want to start building your own Palace? PalaceBuilders Guide
Now includes the Quick Basic Palace Building Guide

The Server technical manual Palace Server Manual

What to do when your a wizard or a Palace owner Palace Wizards and Owners manual

Want to automate more? Read the Scripting Iptscrae manual

Want to convert your favorite pictures into Avatarts? Check out the Avatar Guides
Now includes a Howto use the Palace Prop editor and Prop File Manager tutorial.

Note: Like everything on this site: its a work in progress and we need your help making it better. If you have any: please leave your feedback in the forum.

Palace MANUALS available for your viewing pleasure | Log-in or register a new user account | 0 Comments
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