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Topic: Guides

The new items published under this topic are as follows.

  Palace MANUALS available for your viewing pleasure

For anyone who needs to do some manual labour (badabing) the Palace MANUALS have been updated and improved. They are now seperate from the main site for faster viewing and loading, you can check them out by clicking on the MANUALS button top right. NEW: Wizards and Owners manual now available in interactive HTML! :)

 Note: Like everything on this site: its a work in progress and we need your help making it better. If you have any: please leave your feedback in the forum.
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  Palace News: CRG University - A New Tutorial Palace!
Hello Everyone,

Please check out CRG University (palace://, we offer tutorials and classes for the general public, as well as crghosting customers on all aspects of Palace-space. Please also check out our website at It's a new place to visit if you have questions or problems, or just need a classroom environment!

Our classes will begin at the beginning of August, so please take a look at our class listing on the website, and if you have any questions, feel free to email any of the staff.

Thank You! LiLkimmi
 Note: Great job! Hope you will keep us up to date with the classlistings.
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  Palace News: Palace Planet TOP LIST is back!
Hey folks,

Back by popular demand! (some guy named popular came on my palace the other day and said "hey whats about that top list dude, that thing was far out")

So right, you wanna have a nice button on your site that says VOTE and be listed in a funky toplist right? Well here is how:

Check out the cool top list! Login/sign up if your not a member yet then Click on TOP LIST!


Now you can add your Palace website link! Here is how:

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  Palace News: No Ads!
Through a secret link with earth my friend PaulW send me this no ads file all the way from his MARSHOUSE (palace://

NOADS: a simple solution, download this file from palaceplanet:
Its a list of all known adservers, add this list to your host file and never see any of theyr ads again! This has been tested on windows, but should work for mac's to, its simple and will actually speed up your net connection!
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  Palace News: Palace TV!!
Join the Palace TV!!

With the new Palace TV box on Palace Planet you can now show off your Palace to any visitor of the website! Send in your palace BANNER ADD and get it shown. Make the picture as wild or as simple as you like remember this is YOU'RE AD!

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  What is Palace Chat?
Welcome to the Palace - a vast online community of graphical chat sites with interactive content. With the Palace user software as your gateway, the variety of Palace destinations you can explore is limitless. You can visit a diverse range of communities, many are personal sites where you simply can go to chat and socialize with friends and family. Some are designed with a specific goal in mind such as business, training, and learning resources; entertainment and gaming centers or gathering points for special interest groups; With the Palace Server, you can even build and customize your own personal Palace site to host other people.
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