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Stories: Hooch Hound
Posted by: Khar2oon on Wednesday, April 03, 2002 - 06:49 AM
Articles It's New Year's Eve again and you're at what promises to be the biggest, grandest party of your life. Surrounding you are all the trappings of the holiday bash: colorful balloons, crepe streamers, confetti, festive party hats, plastic horns, and all the champagne you can drink. Music fills the air, adding to the festive atmosphere, and people chatter excitedly around you as they await the final countdown. Something is missing, however, and to your dismay -- and immense embarrassment -- you suddenly notice that you are alone amidst the throngs of people. It seems that your boyfriend, with whom you were going to greet the new year, has abandoned you and wandered off with some lumbering lout to argue football scores. Anxiously, you comb the room for a familiar face. Desperation grips you as you ponder the unsavory thought of entering the new year alone. So, with a determined vow, you fall back on your last resort -- getting picked up by a drunk.

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Stories: The tale of the old wizard.
Posted by: paulw on Monday, September 10, 2001 - 11:43 PM
Art PaulW.

Once .... once upon a time there was a big old castle it had been a proud castle but now it was all overgrown with weed and some of the walls had fallen down in that castle lived an old wizard he was a wize old wizard and even though he could have restored the castle he refrained from doing so because he liked the castle better this way there was a village nearby that castle, and sometimes the people of village came to visit him they brought him fresh milk, bread and butter, and asked for his advice on farming and crops which he always gave.....

Note: Pictures of the Story telling at Marshouse can be found in the Gallery.
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Stories: A fairy tale, from a Story Telling Event in Marshouse.
Posted by: paulw on Monday, September 10, 2001 - 08:34 PM


once upon a time there was this small girl she had ran away from home cause of a cruel mother and now was alone in the world so she walked the woods all by herself, a lil sack with food over her shoulder midday came and it grew very hot so she sat next to woodpath to eat some from the eating and the heat, she fell asleep....

Note: Pictures from the story night can ben found in the gallery here.
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Stories: Geisha Girls Have More Fun
Posted by: RatDuck on Saturday, August 18, 2001 - 03:53 PM
Opinions Or so I thought until I held the position of Talent Assistant. What is a Talent Assistant and what do they do? It’s the most fun a person can have with their clothes on! I was one of the lucky souls who did the typing for the celebrities during the celebrity chat events.

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Stories: What Should New Comers Expect?
Posted by: Des on Friday, August 03, 2001 - 11:51 AM

Whether you heard the word from a friend, or you discovered the program by accident, The Palace - Visual Chat, has somehow managed to be downloaded into your computer. There are tons of tutorials and helpful links, but seriously... What should new comer expect from The Palace?

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