Palace Planet

A fairy tale, from a Story Telling Event in Marshouse.
Date: Monday, September 10 @ 20:34:06
Topic Art


once upon a time there was this small girl she had ran away from home cause of a cruel mother and now was alone in the world so she walked the woods all by herself, a lil sack with food over her shoulder midday came and it grew very hot so she sat next to woodpath to eat some from the eating and the heat, she fell asleep....

Mona Lynn:

she had a sweet dream a dream of fairies floating over her cooling her with there little wings, sprinkling water on her she dreamed of them asking why she was here and what she wanted she told them she had run away from a cruel mother and was alone she told them she was seeking another life not like the kind she was living they told her about the fae and the life they live and that their queen was long gone but they still live in the forest waiting for a new queen hours went by as they talked and she slept, slowly she awakened thinking Woo, what a kewl dream, only when she awoke she was still seeing fae all around her with offerings of more food they sat next to her on her legs and arms with little wings buzzing speaking singsong voices to her as the dusk came and the sun settled they set fairy lights for her to see by in the dark forest and the feast continued


during that feast they became quite merry cause of the mede they drank and they sung a lot of songs loudly, they sang and an ogre (who happened to pass ) heard them singing so the ogre wanted to know and see and walked up to them they heard his heavy footsteps from afar ...boom boom it went the lil girl became fearful of that noise but since she was brave too, she looked on the path to see she beheld the ogre, had to look up high (it was a big ogre) she couldna really believe what she was seeing so she asked the fairies "whats that ?" meanwhile the ogre was flabbergasted at the sight of that feast the elves told her that ogres lived in the woods and

Mona Lynn:

and that this ogre was there to steal their food and ruin the feast they told her the ogres are of nasty foul temper and this is what they do the ogre came forth and began to eat all the food, scattering dishes and food everywhere the girl being human was a little bigger than the fae so she did what she could she screamed at the ogre, it turned to look at her and she promptly kicked it in the nuts sending it to the ground moaning when the ogre did get up it ran, scared of her because he knew then she was not of the fae the fairies went into rejoice and conjured an even bigger feast and many more came they had many questions for the girl as which she answered honestly from her soul the fae saw beauty, honor, justice and love in the girl, and asked her to be their queen her actions had earned her the right to this honor, they explained that if accepted she will gain magick powers, flight, wings , and immortality, but never again will be among mankind she said she must think, and they showed her her castle and grounds and her soon to be honored subjects, they gave her time to think but showed her the wonders of life there in the fae kingdom ruled by love and kindness not as mans world she thought hard what did she have to return to, just a life with more cruelty more pain and despair here was love and honor to be needed and loved and cared for it did not take her long to decide, it was easy for her she told the fae the next morning she had decided to


to accept the fae rejoiced and gave her magick powers, wings and a small silver crown which fitted wonderful on her head she practiced flying with her wings and soon was often seen flying above the woods when in the castle she ruled the fae wisely, she didna have much do decide anyway since it was a place of harmony & happiness the fae' s cooks made the best dishes for her and she ate heartily enjoying her new life very much then one day when she was flying at the borders of the wood she saw a small boy being whipped by his father, while his big brothers stood around laughing she felt compassion for the small boy and decided to rescue him she though of her magical powers ... she thought of her strong wings.. she looked again at the father and the brothers and decided on magick so she made a strong spell and executed it the spell changed father and brothers and lil boy into bunnies oops, she thought she didna have much experience yet with spells quickly she made a second spell to change only the boybunnie back into a boy that worked ...pffft but the boy was terrible frightened by the sudden change and started to bawl

Mona Lynn:

she went to the boy and comforted him explaining what she had done and why she had done it he calmed and understood she explained that he could join her in the kingdom as her intended mate and that when he was away with her his father and brother would return back to human the boy agreed and left with her and went to her kingdom and as such the father and brothers were once again human as the years passed she and the boy grew fond of each other and fell deeply in love, and the kingdom rejoiced and all lived happily ever after FINS

Story events are held every Saturday in 0100 CET, 0000 GMT, 0600 PM EST

Pictures from the story night can ben found in the gallery here.
This article comes from Palace Planet

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