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Stories: What Should New Comers Expect?
Posted by: Des on Friday, August 03, 2001 - 11:51 AM

Whether you heard the word from a friend, or you discovered the program by accident, The Palace - Visual Chat, has somehow managed to be downloaded into your computer. There are tons of tutorials and helpful links, but seriously... What should new comer expect from The Palace?

Being on the palace, and meeting people on the palace is determined by your representation. Or what you use to act as a representation for you.

There are many type of people on the palace (props). You could be a prep. You could be a celebrity. You could be a freak. You could be anything. Depending on what you choose to be is how people will react to you. Choosing to be a prep, may cause you to get picked on or made fun of, harrased and called names by those who choose to be a skater or freak. Chosing to be a freak may make it harder for you to come across friends on the dark side.

The Palace has it's ups and downs, but when you find "your" right crowd, you can have unlimited fun, and a wonderful time.

What are different palaces like? As the old quote once related to men goes, a good palace is hard to find. It takes a lot to have a good palace. There are several basic requirements: a decent layout, avatars, and friendly people. But there are not many palaces that can satisfy such or all requirements.

Difficulty acomplishing this has created desperation for popularity. Some palace owners will do anything for fame...anything. I posted to mailing-lists about the idea a year and a half ago, had a demo site running, all people said was, "Great idea, don't forget to link my site!" Desperation indeed.

If you find the right palace and if you find the right people enjoyment won't let you down.

But it's also obvious, everyday can't be a good day on the palace, but most could.

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What Should New Comers Expect? | Login/Create an account | 1 Comment
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Re: What Should New Comers Expect? (Score: 1)
by Eno on Aug 10, 2001 - 08:33 PM
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You failed to mention the addiction.
I started palace 4 years ago. When I came on, I was there for ONE reason: to make trouble, when i realized how easy it was to pick on, take my frustrations out, and basically be rude with no consequences i laughed,. . .but after a few years of that. . .it got old.. and i had noticed that for some damn reason i had made friends. Contacts, business and personal. hell i had even had an online relationship. Now every day at work i log on, and its a hell of a task to remember to do work! The addiction has me, ive tried to quit and i keep coming back. Ive made a lot of good friends and have learned a LOT about web design in the process. When i first started palace i could barely operate windows, now i have my own business doing web design. This is all thru my friends who patiently guided me thru the computer directory system. (and some hackers who taught me how to ban jump and generate reg codes : D) anyways, a new user SHOULD EXPECT to be addicted. IMMEDIATLY, the hardest thing to do is to find a GOOD palace, especially now a days. and i will use this as moment to plug port 9998 HEHEHEHE thats a good one. you will meet good experienced kind hearted people. You might even see me. . . .but watch out.

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