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"University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small."

-- Henry Kissinger


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Main links categories

Avatars Props & Dolls  Avatars Props & Dolls (15) 
Full of links to Dollsites, how to make your own, prop making. etc.
  Chat Programs  Chat Programs (9) 
Ofcourse there is nothing that can beat the Palace Chat. In case you want to see why the Palace beats everything else, here is some examples :P
Community & Resources  Community & Resources (23) 
Community and Resource sites in Palace and Web Space. Different Languages included.
  Instant Palace Resources.  Instant Palace Resources. (5) 
Instant links to instant websites! Great how-to websites and the Instant Directory.
Internet security & Tools  Internet security & Tools (14) New links in this category added in the last 3 days
Internet Security, important part of running anything online or even offline. Make sure you check out these sites and tools.
  Iptscrae: Scripts and tutorials  Iptscrae: Scripts and tutorials (19) 
Energize youre Palace Client or make a dynamic and interactive Palace Server with fancy scripting! Links to many tutorials and ready made scripts for you to use.
Mailinglists  Mailinglists (9) 
List of all the major Palace related mailinglists.
  MEDIA Resources.  MEDIA Resources. (47) 
Links to lots of great Sound and Picture libraries, ideal for prop making & backgrounds or creating the perfect audio atmosphere on youre palace.
  --- [PICTURES: 3D & Clipart]  [PICTURES: 3D & Clipart] 
  --- [SOUND: Midi, wav, mp3]  [SOUND: Midi, wav, mp3] 
Memorabilia!  Memorabilia! (11) 
Palace and history on the Net, Event websites, personal memories Psychology Studies, internet studes. And websites frozen in time but still fun to read.
  Palace Plugins & Utilities  Palace Plugins & Utilities (3) 
Palace User Client and Palace Server plugins and Utilities. For moderators and users.
Palace Server Homepages  Palace Server Homepages (44) 
Homepages of palace servers allover the world! Check them, Add them!
  Palace User Guides  Palace User Guides (4) 
Palace User guides: Learn about wizards, gods, owning and operating a Palace and more.
Palace Users Homepages.  Palace Users Homepages. (20) 
Links to Palatians personal pages, find out about theyre intrests, lives loves and hobbys.
  Something Completely Different  Something Completely Different (23) 
Links to non-Palace related but strange, fun, silly or just usefull websites.
Web Rings  Web Rings (1) 
Palace related Web Rings
  Websites &Webtools  Websites &Webtools (9) 
Handy website tools, resources and Freebies. HTML Colors, Copyright, CGI archives, internet security and much more.

There are 256 Links and 19 Categories in our database
  © 2000/2004 Palace Planet