Avatars Props & Dolls (15) Full of links to Dollsites, how to make your own, prop making. etc.
| | Chat Programs (9) Ofcourse there is nothing that can beat the Palace Chat. In case you want to see why the Palace beats everything else, here is some examples :P
Community & Resources (23) Community and Resource sites in Palace and Web Space. Different Languages included.
| | Instant Palace Resources. (5) Instant links to instant websites! Great how-to websites and the Instant Directory.
Internet security & Tools (14)  Internet Security, important part of running anything online or even offline. Make sure you check out these sites and tools.
| | Iptscrae: Scripts and tutorials (19) Energize youre Palace Client or make a dynamic and interactive Palace Server with fancy scripting! Links to many tutorials and ready made scripts for you to use.
Mailinglists (9) List of all the major Palace related mailinglists.
| | MEDIA Resources. (47) Links to lots of great Sound and Picture libraries, ideal for prop making & backgrounds or creating the perfect audio atmosphere on youre palace. --- [PICTURES: 3D & Clipart] --- [SOUND: Midi, wav, mp3]
Memorabilia! (11) Palace and history on the Net, Event websites, personal memories Psychology Studies, internet studes. And websites frozen in time but still fun to read.
| | Palace Plugins & Utilities (3) Palace User Client and Palace Server plugins and Utilities. For moderators and users.
Palace Server Homepages (44) Homepages of palace servers allover the world! Check them, Add them!
| | Palace User Guides (4) Palace User guides: Learn about wizards, gods, owning and operating a Palace and more.
Palace Users Homepages. (20) Links to Palatians personal pages, find out about theyre intrests, lives loves and hobbys.
| | Something Completely Different (23) Links to non-Palace related but strange, fun, silly or just usefull websites.
Web Rings (1) Palace related Web Rings
| | Websites &Webtools (9) Handy website tools, resources and Freebies. HTML Colors, Copyright, CGI archives, internet security and much more.