Palace Planet

Geisha Girls Have More Fun
Date: Saturday, August 18 @ 15:53:09
Topic Opinions

Or so I thought until I held the position of Talent Assistant. What is a Talent Assistant and what do they do? It’s the most fun a person can have with their clothes on! I was one of the lucky souls who did the typing for the celebrities during the celebrity chat events.

I loved the fact that I was able to do this from the comfort of my own home. It was much easier for me to talk with them on the phone rather than face-to-face, because I feared I would turn into a drooling symp before their very eyes.

The first celebrity I typed for was John Kassir, best known as the voice of the Crypt Keeper on Tales From the Crypt. I called him at the specified time, introduced myself and my brain promptly went numb due to nerves. Being one to jump in with both feet (sometimes ending up with both of them in my mouth) I explained to him that he was my first victim errr… celebrity that I’d be typing for. I prayed my voice didn’t shake as my hands were shaking so bad I wasn’t sure I would be able to type coherently. He immediately put me at ease, I felt like we’d been phone pals for ages. He even did his Crypt Keeper’s voice and cackle.

One of the funniest celebrities I typed for was comedian Fred Travelina. He had me laughing so hard during the chat it was a challenge typing! His favorite impersonations to do were Bill Cosby and Rich Little. He was talking in their voices and cracking jokes as we went along. He was in Dallas at the time and kept saying “big D, little a’s and l’s in between”.

The most memorable celebrity I typed for was Victor Williams from The King of Queens. He was very pleasant, witty and reminded me of an old family friend type. He called me from a pay phone in New York City, we were going through the pre-show routine and suddenly I can hear a scuffle and a guy letting out a string of profanities. First thing I thought was that he was getting mugged, but it turned out some fellows got into an argument right next to him.

The most famous celebrity I typed for was Britney Spears. She was in LA on tour, and was very sweet on the phone.

Sadly my Talent Assistant career ended with the Britney Spears chat, but it opened the door to a better paying position. I’ll save that story for another episode of Geisha Girls Have More Fun!

This article comes from Palace Planet

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