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Operator Owner Manual Index

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The Palace Wizard and Owners manual alphabetical index page


[ A ] [ B ] [ C ] [ D ] [ E ] [ F ] [ G ] [ I ] [ K ] [ L ] [ M ] [ N ] [ O ] [ P ] [ R ] [ S ] [ T ] [ U ] [ W ]




allowedurls command 35
art 38
artwork, associate with door 22
artwork for room 19
author command 36
authoring command 36
Authoring Mode 26
autoannounce command 30
avatarurl command 36




ban command 36
banip command 30
banlist command 30
banuser command 30
botkill command 36
bots command 30




chatlog command 37
commands 83
comment command 30
custom command 37




Dead Bolt 23
death command 31
defaultroomocc command 37
delete command 31
Dest 22
Destination 22
Don't Move Here 25
create 20
create artwork 22
display information 20
layering 25
name 22
set destination 22
type 23
Door Options 25
downlist command 37
Draggable 25
Draw Frame 25
dropzone command 37
duplicate command 31




Edit Site Page menu option 17
entrypage command 37
er command 31
extend command 31




fileserver command 38
flood command 31
flushprops command 38




gag command 31
glist command 32
gmsg command 38
guests 9
prohibit 20
guests command 38
guidelines 49




ID 18
Iptscrae 64




kill command 32
killprop command 38




Layering 25
layering 25
list command 32
Lockable 23




maxocc command 39
maxserverocc command 39
memberrooms command 39
members 9




door 22
room 18
Nav Area 23
New Door 20
New Room 17
No Guests 20
No Painting 19
No User Scripts 20
Normal 23
nowhisper command 39




opcount command 32
operator 10, 49
becoming an operator 15
commands 29
mode 15
personal styles 11
what they can do 10
operatorkill command 39
operatorpass command 39
operators command 39
operatorsonly command 39
becoming one 16
commands 35
definition 10, 11
mode 16
ownerpass command 39




page command 46
paint command 33
painting, turn off 19
art and sounds 38
commands 83
web server 38
Palace Viewer
control links 73
embed on web page 73
Passage 20, 23
passwordsecurity command 40
picdir command 40
Picture 19
pin command 33
pinprop command 41
playerkill command 41
pouncheckinterval command 41
poundprotect command 41
Private 19
propcontrol command 42
propgag command 33
purge command 43
purgebanlist command 33
purgelimit command 43
purgeprops command 33




recycle command 43
repage command 33
reportprefs command 43
reset command 43
revision command 43
create door 20
create new 17
display information 17
hide number of people 19
name 18
prohibit guests 20
prohibit painting 19
prohibit user scripts 20
set background 19
room ID 18
Room Info 17
roommaxguests command 34
roommaxocc command 34
roomsfile command 43




savesessionkeys command 44
script, door 24
scripts 20
securejavaaccess command 44
securelogoff command 44
securesite command 44
security command 44
servername command 45
setrank command 45
Show Name 25
showranks command 45
Shutable 23
shutdown command 45
site page, edit 17
sound 38
spoof command 45
spot 22, 25
set script 24
State, door 23




tips and techniques 69
track command 34
trackip command 34
Type 23




unban command 34
ungag command 34
unpin command 35
unpropgag command 35
untrack command 35
uplist command 46
user scripts, prohibit 20




web server 38

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