My last Goodbye
A Poem written by Smirnoff_Ice_Princes on Sunday on December 02, 2001
wake me up after i die,
so i can say my last goodbyes.
please dont cry,
i am not worth your tears.
i was too weak to face my fears.
you shouldnt feel guilt or torment by wondering "what if" because you couldnt see through the illusion i made for you.
its not your fault.
i didnt want help.
too ashamed to admit that i could only find pleasure in pain.
ugly scars all over my arms,
from burning away my unseen pains and fears.
temporary escape until the phsyical pain would slowly disapear.
then the hated painful memories and fears would reapear.
wake me up after i die,
so i can ease all your pain and fears.
no longer do i feel any pain.
there is so much more i want to say.
but these pills are starting to take me away.
my vision is getting dimmer and the room starts to spin.
fear slowly creeps into my heart.
i dont want to die alone!
but it is too late,
i give up and leave the rest to fate.
as darkness slowly invades my soul,
taking my last breath.
i gasp my last request:
wake me up after i die,
so i can say im sorry and beg forgiveness from the ones i love.
before i say my last goodbye....
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