The Lost art of conversation

'Borgs are redundant but it is a matter of personal opinion!" In the last four years, I've seen many issues on a diversity of subjects rich in arguments. The cyborg.ipt file (aka borg) has been the pride gem of many because of its uniqueness and its flamboyant manifestations. Unfortunately it is turning into a major cause of conflicts between users as much as a obsessing plague for most palace owners. The use of a borg script should be the spark of a new conversation not its killer.
A chat room is a medium dedicated to the practice of the fading art of conversation. Today's palaces are growing into fields of answering machines where indifference has become the common trademark. There is more to human relationships than a triggered welcome back or an auto greeter that makes no difference between letters and symbols. Sometimes I wonder if it is too much asking from the so call chatters to be expecting them to talk instead of letting their borg masquerade as human conversation.
It is amazing what you can find when you open a borg these days. How many ways are there for telling people that you are going in brb and is it an event worthy of a fourth of July firework display? Three years ago I released the only script I ever wrote for borgs to find out two weeks later that someone else was claiming copyright to it. Palace bragging has always won out over creativity. The last borg I opened had my script in eight modified versions redundant of each other without my name mentioned anywhere. Our collective imagination is slowly getting suffocated by the newly self-crowned Borg Kings who are cleverer to expose their stupidity rather than accomplishing anything productive. Who are we to pretend to package a universe of emotional expression in a one paragraph script release on a single word command? We don't share our dreams anymore because we drive ourselves to borgdom.
In a chat program, the free flow of conversation
is what makes the cyber world go round. Every palace's rules and chat room should be based upon that simple principle. Interaction between humans, exchange of ideas and feelings in the action of a conversation is what chatting is all about. Borgs are definitely redundant but that is my personal opinion.
But did you have any significant conversation today?
And in the end, when you finished reading this article, you will have only one question on your mind, what the heck is it with that ~=MOON=~ guy?
Many thanks to Saraisme from The Midnight Rambler for her help and support.
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