Raidens IMHO
There seem to be a lot of Palaces down now. Lots of "Remote site not found". I am truly sadenedby the passing of so many good palaces. Palace may be "only" a chat enviornment but it is so much more to me and many other people who have made it a part of their lives.
Can't wait for the new Palace to start being distributed. I have been playing TFC (Team Fortress Classic, Half Life's online game) like a maniac so I have not had my "finger on the pulse of Palace" as usual. I love that game. Yeah, I'm a gamehead, guilty as charged. = ) At one time (97-200) I was a total fanatical Palaceholic. But when Katt closed Summertree I lost a lot of the urge to Palace. That was my home. That was a magical place for me, the only Palace that is like it, is Castle. Castle is my refuge when I find too many places down and I get that feeling that it's "all gonna go away". Hello to that eagle too!!
Palace will never die, too many people have both financial, creative and emotional investments in it for that. But things change, and for old timers that change can be seen as not for the better. I see more and more adult sites, and I am sorry, because palace is great for kids and teens expecially. I wonder if palace is slipping away.... Oh well. I am still making furry avs (especially foxes). I noticed Furry Haven is now something else. They have an homage to FH. I am working on a furry story, just beginning. But it should be good. I was turned on to fox avs by my friend Akari. He always had a fox av since 99 that I know of and probably before that, he was ahead of his time for fox-mania. Akari is one of the really great av makers I know, and I know many.
CC abandoned us, and I am sorry they had such little faith in us, and in Palace itself. So many people closed their doors, doors that should have stayed open and Palaces that were a refuge and a place to have fun and meet people and generally make life more enjoyable. Who would ever think this would happen? That there would be no more Lots a props? That Jumpstation would be no more. I guess some of us feel like people in a space station getting the news that "we're not gonna send up any more supplys" = ) Well maybe not that bad, I know many ppl will hang in there. Ah I wish I could go back to the old days where there were so many palaces full of wonderful ppl. If I knew what was going to happen I would have Palaced MORE!! Well we can't forsee things, all we can do is hold to truth and love and work to get it better.
There are other things going on in my life now, but I will always love palace and have fond memorys of the "good old days"! Well lets resolve to never stop fighting and keep Palace alive!!.
I am going to keep writing these till Maart screams at me to stop = ) I guess I have palace in my blood. My own palace was up for only one week but it was fun while it lasted! Well laterz.
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