Last Resort Mourns the Loss of WizofOz
Last Resort has lost a family member and resident in WizofOz, a Palace pioneer and original known to many in the Palace community.
WizofOz, who in the offline world was Will Holroyd, 58 of South Carolina, died Friday after being ill for months with a brain tumor. He so enjoyed Palace that he chatted at Last Resort with the assistance of his daughter and son-in-law until the day before his death.
He was a retired bank systems analyst and served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam era.
Last Resort will miss WizofOz, his sense of humor and wit, participation in our events and early morning coffee, his avatar at the gate. We do find comfort in his words that he knew we cared about him at Last Resort and it meant a great deal to him.
WizofOz is well-known to other Palaces he visited, including the Gardens Proppe Shop.
In honor of WizofOz, Last Resort has a gate link to his private island and memorial rooms for Palace friends to pay their respects. Wizard's Falls was his favorite spot and he often spent the night beside the falls with his avatar sleeping in a hammock. Also included are his Wiz of Oz room and a room of memories with images of WizofOz at various events.
Note: The Castle has setup a room for WizOfOz as well:
The Castle - palace://
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