Palace Server Manual Content

The Windows Palace Server Manual explains how owners and operators can run and Manage a Palace Server. It touches on the Graphical user interface and its operations, but because Place Server operations are so similar across platforms you can use this manual to understand the Linux server as wel.
Getting Started
- Requirements
- Installing and configuring your Palace site
- Registering your Palace site
- Getting your site up and running
- Connecting to and visiting your Palace site
- Making your Palace site accessible to others
- Embedding The Palace Viewer on a web page
- The Palace Directory
- Direct web access for standalone Palace User clients
- Publicizing events
- Shutting down your Palace site
Administering Your Palace Site
- Maintaining Palace files and network settings
- Setting user access and privileges
- Changing the look of your Palace site
- Using a new Palace template file
- Creating new room artwork
- Using The Palace Authoring Tool
- Using The Palace User Software
- Owner and operator commands
- Maintaining information for web-based users
- Maintaining your site page in The Palace Directory
The Palace Control Panel Interface
Quick Reference
The Palace Client Plugin API
Palace Command Summary
Manuals and Guides
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