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The Planet: New Active Banner Palace Planet
Posted by: Administrator on Thursday, January 10, 2002 - 11:30 PM
Articles If you are reading this article, you should be able to see the new Banner on the top of this website.
If not, please let us know, see if you are logged in at: Its a small micro Palace, simple but fun. You can't do much except for changing your name, Chat and change to one of the 1 basic avs. So what is is for?

Its kind of an experiment, Palace people can help each other this way, somebody having trouble finding anytyhing, or just needs some simple help: A more experienced user can help them directly in the Palace Planet banner chat.

So how can YOU help us with this? Well simple: Let us know if this is usefull, use the poll or to give an explanation with your opinion use the Forum!

And while you are at it: Please sign the guestbook :)
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