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Palace Words
List of words and terms used online on Palace and Chat. Words and explanation, handy for reference.
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AFKAway from Keyboard
AOLOriginally, America On Line, but due to the questionable intelligence of those who use AOL, it has almost universally come to represent Asshole On Line.
aslage/sex/location (mating cry of the sk8r)
Avatar (avs)Avatars are what you wear to represent yourself on palace. They range from the simple 'guest' green ball smileys to carefully edited photographs of celebrities. Most commonly refered to as 'Avs'.
BBLBe Back Later
BRBBe Right Back
BTDTBeen There, Done That
BTWBy The Way
cybersexThe sound of one handed typing.
cyborgThere are two types of scripts which allow you to interact with your palace environment. First is the server script which contains scripts for each room and which is unique to each palace. Second is the 'cyborg' or 'borg' script which is unique to each user or client. Cyborg scripts include automatic greeting scripts, kissing scripts, and other snazzy paint scripts. Both scripts use iptscrae - The Palace's basic programming language...
EditTo create or change props or avatars.
EFGevil funky grin
EWGEvil Wicked Grin
FCReference to where all the filth and dirt of was laid out in plain site. A running diatribe of bitterness!
FFLKAn affliction that strikes users who have to type on laptops. Fat Fingers, Little Keyboard.
FWIWFor What It's Worth
FYIFor Your Information
g'grin' - usually in brackets or angles or [g]
GodThe owner(s) or trusted friends of the owner who have complete and utter control over the Palace Environment.
GreenieUsed to refer to a new or non-registered user of palace, in the early years, it was considered derogatory towards those to cheap to get a reg code.
IMHOIn My Humble Opinion
IMNSHOIn my not so humble opinion
INALI'm Not A Lawyer
IOWIn Other Words
iptscraethis is the programming language of the palace. it is used for cyborgs and room scripts.
JbumJim Bumgardner, the revered and beloved inventor of Palace, who was smart enough to sell it and get out before .coms went to hell in a handbasket
JFYIJust For Your Information
KISSKeep it simple, stupid....
LMAOLaughing My Ass Off
LOLLaughing Out Loud
LTNSlong time no see
maartA fookin Dootchy who claims to be Scootish. One of the best resources and dedicated promoter of Palace.
MainA reference to the original Palace 'Mansion' at
NBDNo Big Deal
newbiePeople new to palace and the kind of person that might be reading this list.
OICOh, I See
OTLOut To Lunch
OTOHOn The Other Hand
PaintThe ability to 'paint' colored lines over the graphics in palace rooms IF painting is turned on in that room. Note: Painting can casue large amounts of lag and is usually OFF by default.
Palace PlanetPalace Portal filled with all available Palace resources.
PITAPain In The Ass
prollyshort form for 'probably'
PropA 44 x 44 pixel square of graphic representation used in Palace. 9 props are the maximum you can wear as an 'Avatar'
PTBPowers That Be
RLReal Life. This refers to the oftimes intrusive offline existence we all lead when the computer is switched off.
ROFLRolling On Floor Laughing
ROTFRolling On The Floor
ROTFLRolling On The Floor Laughing
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