Top / Upper Room List
This is a list of the rooms that are included in the loaded
pat file, the rooms in the top list CAN NOT BE changed. Rooms
must be moved into the lower list before they can be changed.
Bottom / Lower Room List
This is a list of the rooms that you have selected to be changed.
All changes effect every room in the lower list with the exception
of the "Set Selected Room in Lower List as ENTRANCE"
button, it will change only the selected room into the ENTRANCE.
Room Moving Controls "<<--All",
"<<", ">>", "All-->>".
These buttons move the room or rooms from one list to the
other. The "<<--All" button will clear the lower
list and move all rooms into the top list, leaving no rooms to
be changed. The "<<" button will move the selected
room from the lower list into the top list. The ">>"
button will move the selected room from the top list into the
lower list. The "All-->>" button will move all
rooms from the top list into the lower list, this is used when
you would like the change to be made to every room at the same
time. The rooms can also be moved from one list to the other
by double clicking on the room.
Delete Rooms
Clicking this button will delete all rooms in the lower list
from the loaded pat file. It WILL NOT delete the room marked
as ENTRANCE, even if that room is included in the lower list.
To delete the ENTRANCE... first set a different room as the ENTRANCE,
then delete the old Entrance.
DropZone .T. or .F.
Clicking this button will either make the room / rooms in
the lower list a DropZone, or remove the DropZone status from
that room. Depending on the .T. or .F. value indicated on the
Private .T. or .F.
Clicking this button will either mark the room / rooms in
the lower list as PRIVATE or NOT PRIVATE. Depending on the .T.
or .F. value indicated on the button.
NoPaint .T. or .F.
Clicking this button will either mark the room / rooms in
the lower list as having the NOPAINTING option on (.T.) or off
(.T.). Depending on the .T. or .F. value indicated on the button.
NoCyborg .T. or .F.
Clicking this button will either mark the room / rooms in
the lower list as having the NOCYBORGS option on (.T.) or off
(.T.). Depending on the .T. or .F. value indicated on the button.
Hidden .T. or .F.
Clicking this button will either mark the room / rooms in
the lower list as having the HIDDEN option on (.T.) or off (.T.).
Depending on the .T. or .F. value indicated on the button.
NoGuests .T. or .F.
Clicking this button will either mark the room / rooms in
the lower list as having the NOGUESTS option on (.T.) or off
(.T.). Depending on the .T. or .F. value indicated on the button.
WizOnly .T. or .F.
Clicking this button will either mark the room / rooms in
the lower list as having the WIZARDSONLY option on (.T.) or off
(.T.). Depending on the .T. or .F. value indicated on the button.
Set MaxMember and Set MaxGuests
These buttons will set the MAXMEMBERS and / or MAXGUESTS value
of the rooms in the lower list to the value you have entered
in the field next to them. If you enter a value of zero (0) in
the field, or the field is empty (blank), clicking these buttons
will remove the MAXMEMBERS and / or MAXGUESTS options from those
rooms. This will result in those rooms using the default member
& guest values in your pserver.prefs file.
Toggle Button Value... .T. or
Clicking this button will toggle the buttons with a logical
value of .T. or .F.. ie... If the "Private" button
is displaying "Private .T.", clicking the "Toggle
Button Value" button will change the "Private"
button to display "Private .F.".
Set Selected Room in Lower List
Clicking this button will will set the room that is selected
in the lower list (Bunny Patch in picture above) as your palace's
main ENTRANCE. The current ENTRANCE is displayed below this button.
Set Authoring Lock with Passcode
This option allows you to lock or unlock your rooms. This
lock only prevents users from being able to author in those rooms.
It does not prevent users from being able to enter them.
To lock, or change the password in the lower list of rooms,
you will need to copy one of the scrambled passwords from your
*.pat file. Then paste that scrambled password into the field
below this button. This scrambled password must be enclosed in
quotation marks just as it is in your *.pat file. If this field
is empty (blank), then clicking this button will unlock the rooms
in the lower list.
We understand that having to deal in these scrambled passwords
is a pain in the... keyboard, and we would have loved to be able
to have this program deal in unscrambled passwords. But until
developers like us (Ali-Co) become a higher priority in the grand
scheme of Palace, our hands are tied. We did request the info
we needed a number of times. The cooperation just wasn't there.