Current *.pat
File Path
This line tells you the path to the currentlt loaded *.pat
file. If no *.pat file is loaded, this line displays the path
to the *.pat file that you have saved into PatBuddy's setting.
PAT File Status
This line indicates if there is a *.pat file loaded. It also
indicates "Loading" when the *.pat file is being loaded.
"Load Current
Pat FIle" Button
This button is used to quickly load the *.pat file that you
have saved into the PatBuddy setting. If PatBuddy can not locate
the *.pat file that you have saved in PatBuddy Settings, or if
there is already a *.pat file loaded, this button will be Disabled.
"Select New Pat
File" Button
This button is used to locate and load your pserver's *.pat
file. You can also use this button to change to a different *.pat
file, as well as unloading the current *.pat file by clicking
the "Cancel" button.
PatBuddy Setting to Disk" Button
This button saves several PatBuddy settings to use as defaults
the next time you run PatBuddy. One of these setting is which
*.pat file you have loaded when you click the "Save PatBuddy
Settings" button. Other setting that are saved will be noted
in their own help text. This button is available in every utility
/ screen of PatBuddy.
"Save New
PAT File to Disk" Button
This button will create a new *.pat file that includes all
of the changes that you made while using PatBuddy. It will only
save the changes to your original *.pat file if you choose to
overwrite the original file with the new one. PatBuddy will not
create a new *.pat file if LogHelp is running in "Demo Mode".
In other words, only registered LogHelp users can create *.pat
files with PatBuddy.