Welcome to the PatBuddy User's Guide.
PatBuddy is a LogHelp AddOn that will let you manipulate your
pserver's *.pat file in ways that can't be done when authoring
online with your stand alone client. With PatBuddy, you can make
changes that effect some or all of the rooms in your palace at
the same time, with a simple mouse click.
PatBuddy is made up of 6 utilities, each performing different
types of changes to your *.pat file. The following pages will
attemp to explain what each of these utilities can be used for,
and how they work.
PatBuddy is intended for use with PAT files, used by pserver
versions 4.4, 4.4.1 and 4.5.1. It may or may not work with pserver.dat,
Pscript, Mansion Script files or Pserver™ versions newer
than 4.5.1 or older than 4.4.
PatBuddy will not run in unregistered copies of LogHelp. (Use
Loghelp 2.5, It's self registering.)
If you notice anything we left out, or something we could
have better explained in these help pages, please be kind enough
to send us an email so we can make the changes.
1.5.1 - For the Windows version of LogHelp2
1.5.1 hqx - For the Macintosh version of LogHelp2
1.5.1 bin - For the Macintosh version of LogHelp2
*Installation Instructions*
To install PatBuddy, first unzip (Win) or unstuff (Mac) your
PatBuddy download. Then move / copy the file named "PatBuddy.app"
into your LogHelp2\AddOns\ folder. Then launch LogHelp2, select
the "Run Custom AddOn" option from the "Utility"
menu. Double click on the PatBuddy.app in the liost and your
on your way.