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Topic: Help Wanted

The new items published under this topic are as follows.

  Palace News: Anime Shack now hiring!
Help Wanted  
Anime Shack is now hiring full-time wizards! We are looking for experienced, trustworthy, and time dedicating wizards. You must be 12 or older to apply!! Visit today!

Connect to Anime Shack! []

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  Palace News: EPlanet is hiring!
Help Wanted  
What are you interested in? What do you want to see in a palace? Do you want to start a palace using your favorite interests? But you don't have the money to open your own? Look no further than EPlanet! We will be renovating soon to make room for tons of new stuff! Send an e-mail to for your proposal of what kind of palace section you'd like to open, if you're approved, you'll be made an operator to maintain that section! Let's say your an Anime fan, and you'd like to open a Palace section all about Anime? There is no better way to do it!

Chosen operators will get all the benefits, including free web space with CPanel control panel at!

You'll become a division and an operator of EPlanet, a palace that has been going strong for over a year. Plus EPlanet also offers apartments, games, props and more! Stay tuned to EP for a whole new look starting in June!
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