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ALso known as smileys, want to express an emotion without all the explaining? Use a smiley :)
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-:-)User sports a mohawk and admires Mr. T
.-]User has one eye
:-User is male
:-#User's lips are sealed
:-%User has beard
:-&User which is tongue-tied
:-'|User has a cold
:-)'User tends to drool
:-)-{8User is a big girl
:-)8User is well dressed
:-*User just ate a sour pickle
:-0User is surprised
:-9User licking it's lips
:-:User is mutant
:-=)Older user with mustache
:->Hey hey
:-?User is smoking a pipe
:-DUser talks too much
:-oUser singing national anthem
:-oUser is shocked
:-pUser is sticking their tongue out (at you!)
:-sUser after a BIZARRE comment
:-tUser is cross
:-\Undecided user
:-]Smiley blockhead
:-|No expression face, 'that comment doesn't phase me'
<< 1 2 >>
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