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Script Details
Scripts Name : Wiz Scripts 2
Type of Script : Cyborg Scripts
Installation Procedures:

Shortcut scripts for pinning, paging and the like. Copy the script from the script section: This is an ON OUTCHAT Script. It has to be placed in your Palace Clients "cyborg.ipt" file in the ON OUTCHAT section. Use Notepad, or plain text editors Like Ultraedit or BBedit for this. Wordprocessors will damage scripts. For more information on editing your Cybrog.ipt, please check the Palace Planet HELP section. (don't forget to RELOAD scripts from the file menu of your client) USAGE: `g Gags one selected person. `ug UNgags one selected person. `pg Propgags one selected person. `upg UNPropgags one selected person. `pn Pins one selected person. `upn UNpins one selected person. `k Kills one selected person. `uu Unpins, Ungags, and Unpropgags YOU. `l List someone `w Shows online wizards `p Sends a page `ss Show the current selected snert (whisper to set the snert) This feature remebers who the last user you pinned/gagged etc... When `ss is said without being followed by a name or being whispered, it will display your SS.This allows `ug to ungag the person you last gagged and so on
Code :

Submited by : hex
Posted on : 2002-07-14

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