Palace Client manuals Palace Server ManualsWizards and Owners  ManualPalace Scripting manualHow to make Avatars ManualsPalace BuildersChat Guides

Guide overview:

How to setup a pserver

Where to put pics & sounds

The room menu explained

The door menu explained

Adding Scripts

Installing a propgenerator

Editing the PAT file



Door Info

When you double click on the new door you just made, this is the screen that pops up.  There are different "types" of doors that Im going to explain to you.  First is the "Normal Door" thats not really a door but a "spot" thats used to run scripts.

-----Passage Door-----
This allows people to simply pass between rooms.  Allowing a door to remain as a passage makes it visible to members whereas "normal" will hide the door from view.  Normal is great for hiding things in a room on a quest where they have to click around to find the door since they cant "see" it.

-----Lockable Door----- 
Can be unlocked or locked.  When unlocked and open, it allows members to pass through.  Use this when you want to prevent membersfrom entering private rooms.

-----Dead Bolt Door----- 
This door simply locks and unlocks a doorway.

-----Nav Area Door----- 
This one is like fly paper.  When a member lands on it, they can't leave unless they click on another doorway.

If "Dont move here" is checked, members will not move onto the spot when they click on it.

"Draggable" is not functional in either the Mac or Win versions.

At the top where it says "Name:" you can name the door something so that people will know where you are sending them.  By checking the "Show Name", they will be able to see what you named it.

Select "Draw Frame" to have the doorway displayed as a thin black line at all times.

"Shadow" and "Fill" are not functional in either the Mac or Win versions.

You can choose which room you want this door to send members to when they click on it.

If you double click on the new door you just made, this menu opens up. Now we are going to add pictures to the door.  Select "Edit Pictures"

And this menu pops open where you can add your pics.  Click "Add"

Now you get this menu or something similar.  (yes Im one of those weird people that changed My Computer to MY computer lol) You can add a pic one of two ways.  Either just type it in where it says Filename if you know the name of the pic, or search for it on your harddrive.

I typed in blank.gif and clicked Open.  Now my pic is there.  I clicked add again and typed in one.gif to add that pic to my door.  You can keep doing this until you have a maximum of 16 pics.  If you need more pics in your room, you are going to have to edit that into your pat file offline.  :-(
There is also an insert option.  "Add" adds pics one after the other but "Insert" will let me add a pic above the one I have highlighted.  Thats great for when you are trying to add pic1.gif - pic6.gif only to find out that you forgot pic4.gif.  They have to be in order for an animation script you will be using soooo just highlight pic5.gif, click "Insert" and type in pic4.gif.  Now its in there where it belongs.  :-)

If you double click on a pic in the door, this menu below appears.  If youve created your pic right in your graphics program and set the transparency for the background so it wont show when the pic is installed in palace, then the menu below will have "Has Transparency Color" checked and show the Index of that color.  Some people have captured something in their palaces to use as a spot pic and cant understand why the background looks pixelated.  You need to UNcheck this so you get the full color of the background pic in that pic.  Another example of when you would want it unchecked is if you take the SB Prop Edit room in the Scriptbarn.  There are 8? spot pics that will change the background color for editing.  If you install this script and you click and click away on the menu bar on top and
you see NO changes, you need to go into every pic and UNcheck this.  The whole spot pic is one color and you want it to show.  This being checked is making that one color transparent and why you arent seeing anything.

Click "Save" and youre DONE!!

The only thing we havent talked about is Layering.  Highlight the door you want to Layer and click "Layering".

Move to Top and Move to Bottom are straightforward.  It moves the selected door all the way to the bottom or the top.

Move Forward or Move Backward allow you to assign doorway levels.  If two or more doors are in the same spot, it will determine which is on top. 
I asked Alissa about this one because I was confused and couldnt find any documentation on it.  What it basically does is if you have 3 doors, you can assign door 3 on bottom, door 2 next in the middle, and door 1 on top.  Thanks Alissa  :-)

layer4.jpg - 17923 Byteslayer3.jpg - 18052 Bytes