Palace Planet

Trivia Tour 2003
Date: Sunday, January 12 @ 21:27:29
Topic Articles

Thinking of participating?? Because you should! This is a very unique tour of many palaces that offers great prizes for those who complete all trivia questions!

So how does it work?.....

As a guest, you can begin the tour at any palace displaying the Trivia Tour button. This tour was created in a circular fashion so you can hop in at any time. We will also be listing the palace order on this webpage at the time of the tour, so bookmark it!

All palaces participating will have the Trivia Tour button at their gates linked to the tours throughout the weekend of Feb. 21-23. Simply take their tour...and somewhere in that tour will be a Trivia Box containing a trivia question. Answer the question correctly and you will be changed into a prop which you keep to be eligible for prizes. (Best bet is to put in an empty prop bag specifically for props collected. One is available for download at the bottom of this page.) Each palace will have a button to the "next palace" at the end of their tour so you can continue on. Should any links be broken...simply use the list that will be placed on this webpage of palaces participating.

On Sunday, February 23, 2003 at midnight, eastern time zone...the tours will close and at that time we will open a form for those that have collected all props to fill out on THIS WEBPAGE. The form will be open for 48 hours, until Tuesday, February 25, at midnight. This form will be utilized to contact those wishing to proceed to the tiebreaker trivia challenge at Secret Garden. We have often have had many guests collecting all props and we wish to keep it as fair as possible for dispursement of prizes. We will set up a time to meet with each person to review props collected and to allow them to take the tiebreaker challenge. The tie breaker challenge will be open until Sunday, March 2, 2003 until 4pm eastern time zone.

Once all guests have taken the will be determined by scores generated by the tiebreaker. The top three placing guests will then be able to select from 3 prize score choosing first and so on. Winners and prize packages will be listed on this webpage Sunday night, March 2.

This article comes from Palace Planet

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