Iptscrae Language Guide
An Introduction to Iptscrae
What is Iptscrae?
Reverse Polish notation
Scripting the stack
How to run Iptscrae
Entering Iptscrae in the input box ("Slash Commands")
Iptscrae in Authoring Mode
Iptscrae in ASCII: Editing script files
Anatomy of a script file
Specifying room data
Specifying spot data
Iptscrae Language Reference
Data types
Symbols (variable names)
Numbers ( integers)
Strings (string literals)
Special-Case Symbols
Event handlers
Commands and functions
Cyborg commands and functions
Spot commands and functions
Paint commands and functions
Sound commands and functions
Flow commands and functions
General commands and functions
Standard Operators
Assignment Operators
Quick Reference
Appendix A Adding Machine Exercise
Appendix B Code Limitations
Appendix C The Palace Client Plugin API