Simple Room Scripts

These are some simple room scripts, used often in almost all palaces.

To place a room script in script spot, you must first have wizard/operator or god/owner access, then...

To place a room script inside a door for selecting, create a script spot but instead resize it to the shape you want, then set the doors type to Passage. ON SELECT scripts should almost always be on a "door" instead of a "spot". A spot has the type of Normal and is only shown in authoring mode. A door has the type of Passage, will be shown whenever a user shows doors (Control+Shift for PC, Control for Mac) and whenever the mouse pointer goes over the spot the pointer will change to the pointing hand icon.

Here are some simple scrits to paste into spots/doors...


;Make a wav sound play/download when a user enters this room

ON ENTER { "sound.wav" SOUND }


;Make a wav sound play/download when the user selects this door

ON SELECT { "sound.wav" SOUND }


;Make the user goto a website when they select this door



;Make the user goto another palace when they select this door

ON SELECT { "palace://" NETGOTO }


;Make the user play a MIDI sound when they select this door, works with both PCs and most Macs

ON SELECT { { "sound.mid" MIDIPLAY } { "sound.mid" SOUND } DATETIME 0 > IFELSE }


;Send an announcement to every user when they enter this room

ON ENTER { "My message" LOCALMSG }


;Send a goodbye notice to anyone leaving

ON LEAVE { "Good bye " USERNAME + "!" + LOCALMSG }


;Send a message when a user selects this door

ON SELECT { "My message" LOCALMSG }


If your intrested in learning more about iptscrae check out The Iptscrae Manual.