Here are some highlights of LogHelp's features:

  1. A list of users that have visited your site
  2. Total time a user has spent enjoying your site
  3. Last IP address for a user
  4. All IP addresses used by a user
  5. Sum of signons for a spacific day or date range
  6. Sum of total user online time accumulated for a specific day or date range
  7. List of failed file sends
  8. Average and highest number of users reached for a specific day or date range
  9. Inactivity termination statistics
  10. Palace Client version counts & statistics
  11. List of users that have Wizzed or Godded up
  12. Duplicate user Turnaways (who & when)
  13. Denied Wizard Access info (who and when)
  14. All info exportable to printer, text file and most common spreadsheet programs

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