Palace Planet

Planet Community - Make sure your email is correct: New user registration

maarten - Sep 08, 2006 - 12:38 AM
Post subject: Make sure your email is correct: New user registration

So here are some tips for people who would like to register:

Make sure your e-mail is correct, you can NOT register without a working e-mail. Copy-paste it from somewhere to make sure you have no spelling mistakes / or whatever.

It is not possible to have a name with a space OR any other caracters besides letters and numbers these two work as well for anyone who wants some space in between _ and - So please don't sign up with names that have the ' in it. They will just end up in the error box.

Also remember its impossible to sign up with an e-mail adress that has a ' in it. E-mail adresses have the same rules as usernames: no spaces, no other caracters besides letters and numbers and the _ and - caracters.

Good luck, have fun and remember you don't need to register for anything on this site except when you want to add something. So unless you want to post in the forum or ask a user question / FAQ question, write a article, add some links etc. registration is not needed and only for your own fun Smile
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