ROOM ID 174 PRIVATE NOPAINTING NOCYBORGS NAME "Timeout Room" PICT "jailg.gif" SPOT ID 1 OUTLINE 6,5 26,5 26,24 6,24 LOC 134,101 SCRIPT ;Description ON ENTER { "This script was developed on the Scriptbarn mailing. When you put this room in your palace, mark it as hidden." LOCALMSG } ;this goes at your gate ON INCHAT { dpn GLOBAL { 1 dpn = 174 GOTOROOM } CHATSTR "chill out" == WHOCHAT WHONAME "[*]" GREPSTR AND ISWIZARD NOT AND IF } ON SIGNON { dpn GLOBAL { 174 GOTOROOM } dpn IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT SPOT ID 2 OUTLINE 2,4 507,4 507,378 2,378 LOC 158,101 SCRIPT ;these go in the pin room ;Make one door as big as this whole room with these scripts in it. ON INCHAT { nDoIt GLOBAL nDoIt EXEC dpn GLOBAL { "Ok, you're loose" LOCALMSG 0 dpn = } CHATSTR "free" == WHOCHAT WHONAME "^[*]" GREPSTR AND IF } ON ENTER { { 512 384 SETPOS [ 944190263 ] SETPROPS } ISWIZARD NOT IF "You have been sent here and will continue to be sent here unless you obey the rules." LOCALMSG } ON LEAVE { dpn GLOBAL { "palace://" NETGOTO } dpn IF } ON SELECT { { 512 384 SETPOS } ISWIZARD NOT IF } ENDSCRIPT ENDSPOT ENDROOM